Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 11, 1 November 1993 — Our readers write... [ARTICLE]

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Our readers write...

To the editor: In the article, "New net law riles fishermen" in the July edition of Ka Wai Ola O OHA. the impression may have been given that the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) believes the new time restrictions on gill nets may be difficult to enfbrce. This is not the case. As is correctly pointed out in the article, the new law is based on a DLNR study to assess the impact of gill nets. The study recommended sequential restrictions on gīll net use, beginning with the time limits. We feel, as Rep. Hiraki indicated, that a four-hour limit is easier to enforce than a 12-hour limit.

Our primary eoneem is for the overall heahh of our nearshore ecosystems. These new restrictions are an attempt to reduce inadvertent, unwanted catches by a significant number of fishers. As always, we tried to remain sensitive to the eoncems of subsistence fisheries, and we believe that efforts to restore nearshore fish populations will be in their best interest. For these reasons, we testified in support of the gill net bill, and our enforcement division is fully prepared to do its part to make this measure work.

Keith W. Ahue Chairperson, Board of Land and Natural Resources