Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 10, 1 October 1993 — OHA Board Business [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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OHA Board Business

Na kuleana a ka Papa Kahu waiwai

by Patrick Johnston Assistant Editor

The Board of Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs held its regular business meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 31, 1993 at the Lodge at Kō'ele in Lāna'i. All trustees were present. The following summarizes board actions taken during this meeting: Partnership program between OHA, DHHL and First Hawaiian Bank The board passed a motion that would give general approval to a legal document creating a loan partnership program between between DHHL, OHA, and First Hawaiian Bank. The partnership would work to provide Hawaiians on home lands and those who have been awarded homestead land, access to loan funds to make down payments on new homes, or renovate houses.

Money managers Trustees approved the selection of additional money managers to oversee the use of the payment on OHA's past-due share of ceded land revenues whieh OHA recently received from the state. They also agreed to the money distribution among these managers. Nine managers and one custodian have been selected to oversee a $150 million investment portfolio. The custodian and managers are: First Hawaiian Bank (custodian), Hawaiian Trust, Bradford and Marzec, Bank of America, Ashfield, NWQ, INVESCO, Dennis Wong & Associates, C.M. Bidwell & Associates, and Scudder, Stevens, & Clark. Contract with law firm Fujiyama, Duffy and Fujiyama Upon the recommendation of

the Budget, Policy and Finance Committee the board approved spending $50,000 to retain the legal services of Fujiyama, Duffy and Fujiyama. The law firm will be used to resolve issues not fully addressed in the recent financial settlement between the state and OHA. Ka Hā Mai Kalāhikiola Nāli'i'elua award The board voted to give the Ka Hā Mai Kalāhikiola Nāli'i'elua award to the Rev. Leon Sterling. The award recognizes valuable contributions to Hawaiian culture by kūpuna. The board had narrowed their decision down to two kūpuna, Gertrude Mahi and Leon Sterling, and chose the winner by ballots distributed at the meeting. Sterling will receive full honors at the annual 'Aha Kūpuna O

OHA awards dinner Oct. 2 in Kailua-Kona. Foundation FilmWorks The board approved a $10,000 special funds grant to support Foundation FilmWorks and the screening of their documentary film Papakōlea, a Story of Hawaiian Land. The money will be used for travel, video documentation, honoraria for participants, and publicity. FilmWorks' original request had been for $17,500 but the Committee on Budget and Finance felt that OHA should not be the sole source of funding. Resolutions on Parley Kanaka'ole and Jerry Walker Two resolutions were passed by trustees, one honoring the late chanter Parley Kanaka'ole for his lifetime of service to the Hawaiian community, and the

other commending the recently resigned Jerry Walker for his work as OHA's deputy administrator over the past year.