Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 10, 1 October 1993 — Sovereignty Commission to hold public meetings [ARTICLE]

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Sovereignty Commission to hold public meetings

bv Deborah L. Ward Members of the Hawaiian Sovereignty Advisory Commission, at their third meeting on Aug. 28, unanimously elected Sol Kaho'ohalahala of Lāna'i as chairman and Davianna McGregor of O'ahu as vice-chair. In accepting the chairmanship,

Kaho'ohalahala said he would seek to promote healing and lōkahi among Hawaiians and called for Hawaiians to work for harmony together. He said that within the limits of Act 359 whieh established the advisory commission, there are opportunities for Hawaiians to advance the goal of self-determination. Advisory commission members were nominated by Hawaiian organizations and appointed by Gov. John Waihe'e. The act names the Office of State Planning as being responsible for providing administrative support to the commission. The commissioners at their Aug. 28 meeting also approved a proposed operating budget through June 30, 1994 of $420,000, half appropriated by the Legislature from state general funds. The other half was approved last month by the OHA Board of Trustees from special funds. The board also voted to approve $5,000 from its sales of 'Onipa'a T-shirt and ribbon proceeds as a protocol fund for the advisory commission to provide refreshments at its regular public

meetings. Six committees of the Hawaiian Sovereignty Advisory Commission were established. Their functions and members are: Elections committee: Kīna'u Kamali'i, chair. Members: Tasha Kama, Bruss Keppeler, Dennis "Bumpy" Kanahele, A'o Pohaku Rodenhurst, Mahealani Kamau'u. Task: to develop and present a plan to the 1994 state Legislature for conducting special elections called for in the act, develop a timetable for election of delegates to the Hawaiian convention and eligibility requirements, and with the Hawaiian convention committee establish voter qualifications . Apportionment committee: La France Kapaka-Arboleda, chair. Members: T. Aimoku McClellan, Allen Hoe, Robert Lindsey, Barbara Kalipi, Tasha Kama, Davianna McGregor. Task: to establish the size and composition of the convention delegation and apportionment of voting districts. Under Act 359, members of this committee who participate in decision-making on apportionment may not serve as delegates

to the Hawaiian convention. Hawaiian convention committee: A'o Pōhaku Rodenhurst, chair. Members: Ann Nathaniel, Louis "Buzzy" Agard, Kamaki Kanahele, Bumpy Kanahele, La France Kapaka-Arboleda, Kīna'u Kamali'i, Davianna McGregor. Task: to review and suggest revisions to the ballot question of the proposed November 1994 referendum of Hawaiian voters. The question as phrased in the act was "Shall a Hawaiian convention be convened to propose an organic document for the governance of a Hawaiian sovereign nation?" Education committee: Mahealani Kamau'u, chair. Members: Louis Agard, Bumpy Kanahele, Pōkā Laenui, Barbara Kalipi. Task: to develop recommendations on activities to educate Hawaiian voters, to conduct a voter registration drive and research activities in preparation for the convention. Vision committee: Dennis "Bumpy" Kanahele, chairperson. Members: A'o Pohaku Rodenhurst, Mahealani Kamau'u, William Meheula, Robert Lindsey, Kīna'u Kamali'i,

LaFrance Kapaka-Arboleda, Kamaki Kanahele, Pōkā Laenui, Allen Hoe, Tasha Kama. Executive committee: Members of this committee are the eommission chair, Sol Kaho'ohalahala, vice-chair Davianna McGregor, and the chairs of eaeh committee: Kīna'u Kamali'i (Elections); LaFrance KapakaArboleda (Apportionment); A'o Pohaku Rodenhurst (Convention); Mahealani Kamau'u (Education); Dennis continued on page 19

The Hawaiian Sovereignty Advisory Commission is planning a first round of community meetings this month on all islands to inform the puhlie about its role, and to seek input on a number of issues relating to establishing a process for Hawaiian sovereignty. Tentative dates for the meetings are Oct. 5-7 and Oct. 12-14 at 6 p.m. Locations were still being arranged as Ka Wai Ola went to press. The commission will be announcing meeting dates, times and places in the the regular media. People may also eall the commission care of Lulani McKenzie at 1-587-2834.

Sovereiqnty commission

conūnuedfrom page 1 Kanahele (Vision). Following the recent death of commission member Jean Keale, representing Ni'ihau, the eommission is seeking a replacement member to represent the Ni'ihau community. The sovereignty advisory eommission also hired its first of two staff members, planner and policy analyst Tara Lulani McKenzie. She holds an M.A. in poliīieal science anda certificate in public administration and worked at the University of Hawai'i-Mānoa as education assistant to the director for the public administration program. Meetings of the commission are

expected to take plaee mostly on weekends until the end of the year since most commissioners work and some must travel from neighbor islands. The commission will be seeking oral eomments and testimony from the public in future meetings. The commission must submit a report of its findings and recommendations to the Legislature 20 days before the session convenes. The Hawaiian Sovereignty Advisory Commission's meeting are open to the public. For information eall the Office of State Planning at 587-2834 or 587-2844.