Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 10, 1 October 1993 — Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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1 CIkeFisli 1 I J^[eFitageo 1 ^ AJJI your £ajnily naine £o ilie Oiiaiua i>egistry. ^

IHawaiian ancestry is a unique heritage— one that is shared by all Hawaiians. Now you ean acknowledge this heritage by establishing your Hawaiian ancestiy in the 'Ohana registiy. The 'Ohana registiy is a service of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. It allows you to register yourself and family members as Hawaiians. This information will become part of an important genealogical library for future generations. Onee registered, you join a powerful alhanee. A unified Hawaiian people ean influence decisions and have a strong say īn the issues that affect our islands and our people. You'll also receive a special I.D. card that allowsyou to take advantage of special discounts on goods and services offered by more than 60 Hawaiian-owned businesses.

So eall one of the telephone numbers listed below, or fill out the eoupon and mail it to the address shown below. Mh You'll be sent a brochure that explains the 'Ohana registiy £££ in detail, and a registration packet to fill out and return. IAU Ho'i hou i ka mole. Return to the tap root. Stand and be counted as nā po 'e Hawai'L On O'ahu, please eall Kimberly Kau at 587-3147 or IXj Maria Kaina at 586-3739. Or contact OHA at the following numbers: %KKl

Kaua'i Moloka'i Maui Hilo Kailua-Kona

245-8545 M 553-3611 243-5170 ® 933-4349 329-7368 8 K

j 3 i 1 /T| | YES, I'm Hawaiian... MPM [ Please send me more information and the detailed Vf| , 'Ohana registry brochure with registration packet. A l Name W 1 ! pirf j Address [ Sg | City/Zip | ------- - -| Mail to: Operation 'Ohana— Office of Hawaiian AiTairs WV j 711 Kapi'olani Blvd. Ste. 500, Honolulu. HI 96815 j

M I OPERAT!ON 'OHANA )fk A oeroice of the Ojfice of Hawaiian Affairo 711 Kapi'olani Boulevard, Suite 500, HonoLuiu, Ha wai 'i 96813 C m