Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 10, 1 October 1993 — OHA looking for 999-year lessees [ARTICLE]

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OHA looking for 999-year lessees

Attention all Hawaiians who have 999-year leases to certain puhlie lands whieh are administered by the state Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR); OHA needs your assistance. The 1993 state Legislature provided OHA's Housing Division with funding to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the many problems encountered by 999-year lessees in trying to improve or develop their lots in ways whieh will benefit their families. Findings from this study along with recommendations for how to correct the problems will be submitted to the 1994 Legislature for review and action.

As a means of gathering information on the Iegal, social, eeonomie and cultural issues that impact lessees, interviews will be scheduled with individual lessees within the next 30 to 60 days. If you are a 999-year Iessee or know of someone who is, please eall the OHA Housing Division at 587-3137. You may also eall John Bay at 947-1523, or Jan vanSchaick at 9885813. Bay and vanSchaick have been hired as consultants by OHA to conduct the analysis, and it is they and their associations who will be scheduling and conducting the interviews.