Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 9, 1 September 1993 — Hawaiʻiʻs new multi service computer bulitein board [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Hawaiʻiʻs new multi service computer bulitein board

by Deborah L. Ward Hawai'i Online, a Kaua'i-based computer bulletin board service, offers Hawai'i residents a port of entry to a new communications world. This electronic-age equivalent goes far beyond the posted flyers and want-ads of the traditional bulletin board. A personal computer, modem, eommunieations software and telephone are your window on a vast world of computer-based services that you ean discover right from your home or business. Owned and operated by part-Hawaiian Lynn Taylor and her husband Thayne, Hawai'i Online is designed to make it easy for even a computer

novice to gain access to a wealth of computer information and services. Through Hawai'i Online, the Taylors hope to meet the needs of the people of Hawai'i — the loeal population, business community, senior citizens, health care and special interest groups, loeal and state government, artists, the education system, and visitors as well. What does a bulletin board offer to all these different interests? • For starters, access to many computer programs, including graphics, word processing, accounting, flowcharts, astrology, and games.

• "Chat lines," using the computer keyboard and monitor to eommunicate with anyone else who is online at the same time. • Computer "conferences" with people all over the world on every topic imaginable ... computer software, hobbies, politics, everything ffom A to Z. Hawai'i Online participates in FIDONET (a nahonal computer network) and will be adding others. • Classifieds ads section. • Games: They've eome a long way since Pong and Pae-Man! Play against the computer or join in "chat" multi-player games. There's Star Trek, Stellar Wars, Legends, Chat Casino with Black

Jack, Roulette, Dice and Keno; Chat Chess, Biorhythms, MatchMaker, even sessions with Eliza the online psychologist. New games are added all the time. • News service: news, weather or sports; USA Today, BoardWatch, NewBytes and a variety of other special-interest reading. • Electronic mail whieh allows you to send and receive messages from across town, in Hawai'i or around the world. • Marketing and consulting services to advertise services and products electronically to loeal and statewide and national bul-letin-board users. Soon to eome: • a computer shopping mall with new vendors and Hawai'i specialty items, online catalogues with full-color photos. • an online reservations room

where you ean eheek out activities, tours and accommodations and book reservations for Hawai'i, mainland, and travel abroad. Unlike other bulletin boards, the Taylors offer on-duty system operators to answer questions. While Lynn acknowledges that Thayne has the greater technical background, she optimistically notes, "I'm learning more every day." Her own newness helps her understand how to make their service fun and easy to new users, she says. Lynn Taylor was born and educated in Los Angeles. She has worked as a radiologic technologist, junior art director for advertising fmns and as manager for a commercial photography studio, handling public relations and procontinued on paee 17

Hawai'i Online owners Lynn and Thayne Taylor.

Hawai'i Online continued from page 2

motion. She retumed to Kaua'i in 1985 to help start and manage a family-owned aquaculture business, Kaua'i Sea Farms, raising clams and servicing restaurant and hotel accounts on Kaua'i and other islands. Since 1992 she has been vice-president and co-owner of Hawai'i Online with husband Thayne, handling marketing and, customer relations. Hawai'i Online offers toll-free access throughout the state of Hawai'i with 16 direct lines on Kaua'i and 32 statewide toll-free lines through the Hawai'i FYI. All computer types may participate. For subscription form and full

information eall Hawai'i Online at (808) 246-1880 (voice); (808) 246-8887 (set communications software to 8N1) or write: Hawai'i Online P.O. Box 539, Lawai, Kaua'i 96765. Toll-free numbers to Hawai'i Online via Hawai'i FYI: O'ahu 536-7133 Hawai'i 935-7133 Maui 242-7133 Kaua'i (via FYI) 245-7133 Moloka'i 1-800-243-7133 Lāna'i 1-800-243-7133 For questions on how to access Hawai'i FYI eall: Toll-free 1-800-252-1132 (assistance, settings, connecting with modems)