Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 9, 1 September 1993 — ʻOnipaʻa book, video being produced to commemorate January centennial event [ARTICLE]
ʻOnipaʻa book, video being produced to commemorate January centennial event
In response to hundreds of requests for photographs, videos and information about the events surrounding the 100-year eommemoration of the 1893 overthrow of Queen Lili'uokalani and the Hawaiian Kingdom, the 'Onipa'a Centenial Committee is pursuing production of a onehour documentary video and publication of a book about the historic Jan. 17 event, at an estimated cost of $200,000 for both. Creation of the 'Onipa'a Centennial Committee was made possible by an appropriation ffom the Hawai'i Legislature in 1992. Members represent various Hawaiian organizations. OHA administered funding and the committee effectively became a
subcommittee of OHA. The primary purpose of the committee was to plan and organize events during January 15-17, 1993 on the island of O'ahu to eommemorate the overthrow centennial. Thousands of people from throughout Hawai'i and overseas attended the three-day centennial obserVance whieh took plaee in the downtown Honolulu civic center and on the grounds of the 'Iolani Palaee. There were speeches, marches, vigils, presentation of ho'okupu to the Queen's statue, and a costumed drama reenactment of the events of Jan. 15-17, 1893, whieh culminated in the overthrow. Through publication of a eommemorative book and video to record this historic event, the 'Onipa'a Centennial Committee hopes to document these extremely important events. The committee, headed by state Sen. Eloise Tungpalan, believes production of the book and video is critical to providing continuing information to the public in Hawai'i and internationally. These two projects will provide thousands of people who were unable to attend the events, and future generations, with the opportunity to experienee them. Kalama Productions was eontracted by the committee to shoot footage of the Centennial events.
The cost to produce a one-hour documentary video for loeal broadcast is estimated at $53,000. The committee anticipates that copies of the documentary may be sold to organizations, groups and clubs, or be made available for public and private schools and libraries. The documentary may be shown on national television, to Hawaiian and community organizations and to governmental bodies. Mutual Publishing Co. was awarded the $130,000 contract to produce a 200-page 'Onipa'a commemorative book. It will be sold to the public. The committee anticipates sales revenues will more than cover the full cost of producing both the book and the video. Victoria Kneubuhl, playwright and author, was awarded a $2,500 contract to write the book. Completion of the book is expected by early December in time for holiday purchase. Due to sales of commemorative booklets, T-shirts, buttons and other items in January, the Centennial Committee will be able to provide over $100,000 toward the book and video projects. The balance of funding comes from a $100,000 loan being provided by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs.