Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 1993 — Kauaʻi OHA office goes mobile [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Kauaʻi OHA office goes mobile
Pending completion of a new OHA Kaua'i office, OHA's Kaua'i staff have gone mobile. Because many Hawaiians are still in need of kōkua following the ravages of Hurricane 'lniki a year ago, Kaua'i liaison Carmen Panui and staffer Kim Naholoholo will be using a rented van to visit beneficiaries in the community. Radio station KUAI will feature Panui on a eall-in basis to notify the eommunity where and when the OHA van will be in their neighborhood. (See story paqe 2.)