Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 1993 — Sovereignty eeonomie symposium hits $$ snag [ARTICLE]
Sovereignty eeonomie symposium hits $$ snag
A two-day follow-up symposium planned this month to examine the economics of sovereignty has been postponed for the time being, due to laek of funds. It was meant to continue the dialogue begun at a June 5 symposium when representatives of sovereignty groups, economists, government officials, business leaders and Hawaiians from many walks of life gathered to talk about eeonomie models pro-
posed under sovereignty. The day's events were broadcast live on Hawai'i Puhlie Radio. Symposium organizers Pōkā Laenui and Kioni Dudley said they will continue to seek funding sources and contributions so *' they ean eonhnue the dialogue on the future of sovereignty. Contributions to the symposium may be made by calling Pōkā Laenui at 696-5157.