Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 1993 — Hawaiian elecied to chair UH Ianguage preservation committee [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hawaiian elecied to chair UH Ianguage preservation committee

Elaine Rogers Jpur<Jane was recently elected to be the new chair of the University of Hawai'i Commhtee for Preservation and Study of Hawaiian Languagc. Art and Culture. Jourdane, an ant!tro{x>logist fomietiy with Bishop Mtsseum„ recently joined the state Depxnment of Land and Nat«ral Resources' Histortc Preservation division. She was previo«sly committee vice-

; chatr ano replaced ■ M. Puakea Nogel* meier. who restgned to pursue doctoral studies īn antliropology at UH-Mānoa. The new vicechair will be Jan Yoneda, an educalioa speeidhst in Hawaiian studles with ihe state

i>epartment oi Bducation. Othcr committee members inciude: Dr. Isabella Aiona Abbott, Kapena Aehiu. Leilani Basham, Aunty Malia Craver, Beatrice Krauss, Paul Nahoa

Luc.is, Aunty Edith McKinzie, Nalani 01ds Remhardt, Barbara Smith and Wilson Manuwai Peters of Moloka'i. who represents the nelghbor The newest committee member. Toni Han, a cultural ! rcsource specialist with Bishop Museum, wili fill the v|(0aifcy'''"' . ..ereatcd ' ' ]by Nogelmeier's departure. % The committee is a eommu*

nity service and ouueaeh agency of the University of Hawai'i. Jt was estahlished in 1959, by the last territorial legislature, 10 seek out and assist tbose components of

the Hawanan iangnage, a a and cuitu.re in need of urgent preservation. Since then, over 150 projects havc been undertaken and funded by the comnuttee.

Elaine Jourdane