Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 8, 1 August 1993 — Scholarships for summer eamp in Voicanoes National Park [ARTICLE]

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Scholarships for summer eamp in Voicanoes National Park

Wondering whal to do with ehildren during August? Volcano Art Center offers an August adventure at Camp Likolehua in Hawai'i Volcanoes Nalional Park. The eamp features a variety of arts and science activities for children ages 7-12. This year's theme, "Adventure Under the Rainbow Canopy," features exploralions in the Nahonal Park, the Art Center's Studio 82, and Kīlauea Tbeater. Tnstructors and !ecturers inc!ude actress/director Judi Floyd, mixedrnedia artist Kate Whitcomb, pius park rangers, scientists, and a host of other fie!d experts. Camp directors Rob and Susan McGovern, wiil be assisted by eamp counseIbrs who will be on site throughout the eamp. Afternoons are spent on excursions to explore the natural wonders of Hawai'i Volcanoes Nalional Park Two weeks of day eamp are offered: one for children 7-9, Aug. 2-7, and one for ages 10-12 Aug. 914. Sessions run from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 pan., Monday through Friday, plus an overnight camp-out oh Friday and a "showcase" for parents and famities on Saturday morning in Kilauea theater. The price is $119, whieh includes a daily snack, and beverage, all instruction, excursions, ovemight

camp-out, etc, Ovemight eamp for cbildren ages 9-12 is offered Aug. 15-21, Sunday afternoon to Saturday morning, and inc!udes aU activities listed above, plus a field trip to lava flow area and evening programs of instruction and feIlowship. Students from all islands wiil share the unforgettable experience of at the site of the wor!d's most active volcano in Hawai'i Volcanoes Nationai Park. The ail-inclusive price of $300 j)er child coyers lodgtng and meals at Kīlauea Military Camp, supplies, and personal instruction. A number of scholarships are being offered to children from ail islands. These scholarships are partial tuition wavers for amounts ranging from $20-$50 per child for the day caropers and from $50$150 per chtid for overnight campers. To be eligible for consideralion, parents must submit a letter stating their particular circumstances and need for tuition assistance. Cbildren from ali islands are weleome and encouraged to attend. The program is supported in part by funds from the Hawai'i State Foundation on Culture and the Arts. Enroltment is limited so register today. Contact the Volcano Art Center at 967-8222 for registration and scho!arsbip information.