Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 8, 1 August 1993 — 1993-94 Nā Pua Noʻeau programs [ARTICLE]
1993-94 Nā Pua Noʻeau programs
Aloha e nā mamo o Hawai'i nei. The Center for Gifted and Taiented Native Hawaiian Children (Nā Pua No'eau) annouoeea its programs for the 1993-94 academic year, The oenter is heginning its fifth year of enrichment programs. Last year over 1 ,100 children participated in center programs. The fir.st event of the new year will be Super Creativity Saturday on Sept. 25 at the University of Hawaii-Hilo eampus. Native Hawaiian young* sters, grades K-9 wili be introduccd to "creativity" through an tntegrated currieulum of arts, setence, math and Hawaiian culture. The event stimulates . : mmmmmmmwmmmm
participants through hands-on activities that also build setfesteem and an appreciation for education. Nā Pua No'eau will takc its programs to Waimea, Hawai'i in November, and to Maui and Kaua'i next spring. A detailed schedule of the year's programs may be obtained by ca)ling Nā Pua No'eau at 933-3678. Highlight events tnclude thc third annual "Hawaiian Family afFair" and the Na'imiloa High Schooi project. Students raay wish to participa!e in next summer's Ho'omālamalama program (grades K-5) and the Summer īnstitute (grades 6-1 J).