Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 1993 — V.A. staff introduced to Hawaiian culture [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
V.A. staff introduced to Hawaiian culture
OHA and Veterans Administration hold workshops to increase cultural sensitivity
by Patrick Johnston Ho'olauna means to introduce yourself or be friendly with someone in order to break the iee and lay the groundwork for further relations. OHA kūpuna and Veterans Administration staff did just that at a workshop held at the Pacific Beach Hotel last month. The workshop, the third sponsored by OHA and the V.A., brought together experts in Hawaiian culture and V.A. staff in an effort to educate the latter
on Hawaiian ways and how to respond to the particular needs of Hawaiian vets. The workshops eame about as a response to criticisms by Hawaiian vets that V.A. staff were insensitive to their needs. As a result, many vets refused to go to clinics, depriving themselves of mueh needed medical services. "There was a problem of eommunication," says OHA kupuna Grace Knox. "When a Hawaiian meets someone they like to sit down and talk before they begin
to confide in that person. It's important for V.A. people to understand that." Part of the workshop included a "ho'olauna" session where members of eaeh table introduced themselves and described in some detail their lives and families and tried to bond with eaeh other. Out of that session eame an interesting confession by one of the participants that he was afraid to eome to Hawai'i at first because the cultural influences were so mueh different than the ones he was used to on the East Coast. His story brought home the point that the cultural differences between Hawai'i and the mainland are significant enough to warrant a study in how to improve communication between the different peoples. The workshop began with an introduction to Hawaiian culture by three kūpuna; Betty Jenkins, Nalehuaopuna Grace Knox and Anne Keliihopeole Kaapana. Guests had been asked to bring ho'okupu, a natural gift given as a sign of honor and respect and one that the giver attaches some personal importance to. This was followed by the ho'olauna and then an introduction by Aunty Betty Jenkins to
items that are symbolically important to Hawaiians. These included kalo, hala, and tapa. Jenkins noted that tapa not only revealed the excellence of Hawaiian craftsmanship but was a lot like people in that you never
find two exactly the same. Participants were than given some time to discuss what they had gained from the workshop
and its relevance to their job. Most said they had aquired a better understanding of Hawaiian culture and were encouraged by the workshops to improve their interactive skills. One participant said he was able
to aquired "some of the wonderful traits that prevent doors Jenkins,who was primarily continued on page 23
OHA kūpuna receive ho'okupu from workshop participants. Photo by Patrick Johnston
V.A. staff introduce eaeh other during ho'olauna session. Photo by Patrick Johnston
Ho'olauna workshops
Continued from page 7 responsible for organizing the event was pleased with how things tumed out. "I thought it went especially well. And this was largely because of a willingness in the
part of VA staff to understand the culture they are dealing with." OHA and the Veterans Administration will be holding one more workshop this year.