Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 7, 1 Iulai 1993 — ʻOhana Reunions [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
ʻOhana Reunions
Na 'ohana e ho'ohui 'ia ana
Waia'u The 'ohana of Sam Keli'iho'omalu-Kalama Waia'u will be having a reunion FridaySunday, July 2-4 at Robert and G-Girl Keli'iho'omalu's home in Kaimū-Kalapana. Introduction of families will occur on Friday, with dinner at 5 p.m. Saturday's activities include sharing of genealogical data, a lū'au, and family entertainment. For more information, write Mrs. Edward K. Kamanu at P.O. box 126, Pāhoa, Hawai'i 96778. Luaehu The descendants of John Luaehu and Elizabeth Annie Poole will be having a reunion July 2-5 at Punalu'u, O'ahu. All 'ohana members are urged to participate. For more information, eall Holly Kim (456-0688), Stanley "Musso" Lyons (4221796), Daniel Kaholokula (4554023), or Richard Bissen (8770481). Akau All descendants of Akau (Ching Sen and Kamakahemali'ili'i) from Kawaihae and Kona are hereby notified that a campout will be held Friday through Sunday, July 9-11. Please eall Euniee Kalahiki Cullen at 235-2563 or Agnes Kuahine Freitas at 239-9327 for more information.
Dart The island of Maui wil be the setting for the fifth reunion of the Dart 'ohana, whieh will be held at the Pā'ia Community Center July 9-11. For more information, eall Gordon Kalehuawehe at 2449513 (Maui), Joseph Dart III at 886-7176 (Big Island) or Adeline Kimi at 961-6574 (Big Island). Jones The William Claude Jones 'ohana is having a golf-and-pic-nie reunion July 30-31. All family members who golf are invited to participate in a golf tournament to be held July 30 at Olomana Golf Course. Come one, eome all, as early as possi- / ble. On July 31 eome out to Sand Island for a pienie. Camping is permitted, but family members must make their own arrangements. We look forward to welcoming all family members to join together and get acquainted with new and old family ties. For more information, eall Hope Silva at 455-2836, Nona Carrel at 671-7289 or Kanaina Halualani at 737-2526. Kauhola The Kauhola 'ohana is planning a reunion for Aug. 6-8 at 'Ohikilolo Ranch, Mākua, O'ahu. For more information contact Bill or Hycarty Bathe by calling 6963582 or writing 85-1018 Wai'anae Valley Rd., Wai'anae, HI 96792.
As a scout leadership project, Ann Hamanalau Yoshida is planning an 'ohana reunion Aug. 6-8 on O'ahu for all descendants of our kūpuna who lived in the year 1790: Jonas Dickson and Elizabeth Gill, William Menzies and Sara Quarles, E. George Miner and Kukonaokalani, Kanepaina and Luahiwa o Kalani, Kanehailua (Palea) and Kaiaahue, William Gay and Ann
Patterson. Frances Sinclair and Elizabeth McHutcheson, Kainoahou and Kealiikuokoa (and Puohu), Kapuniainui (Maulili's adopted family, whieh included Kapuniailiilii and Anna), Isaac Hart and Elizabeth Wond, Mikahaka and Pahakoa, Kawelo and Pokipala, and Liwai Kauai and Haliimaile. Also invited are the 'ohana of my late father, Jack P. King. For further information contact the Dexter Dickinsons (Decca, Verna, Lolly) at (808) 239-9951 or 239-5580, or Amelia P. King, 152 Cheltenham Way, San Jose, CA 95139-1213, phone (408) 2819417.
The Kuloloia 'ohana is planning a reunion for Aug. 13-15 at Mākena, Maui. For more information, contact Evalani Kuloloia Johnson at 244-4805, Leone Rodrigues Purugganan at 2449332, Angus Peters at 879-8486, or Bernard Kaina Kuloloia at 669-6297. Ni'ihau The Ni'ihau 'ohana and its major branches of descendants will be having a family reunion Aug. 20-22 on O'ahu. The Ni'ihau major branches include: Niheu, Nihau, Kalalau, and Kupanihi. For more information . contact your island representative or Naomi at 682-4814 on O'ahu. "Makekau The Makekau 'ohana will hold its fīrst statewide family reunion on Saturday, Sept. 18 from 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. at the LDS Waikalua Chapel in Kāne'ohe. The Makekau 'ohana descend from Abel Keliimakakauonuuanu and Meli Kahiwa Swinton and their 14 children: Harriet Kalanikuinuiamamao Makekau, Hattie Nahienaena Makekau Ella/Mahoe, Ramon Hoe Makekau, Malia Makekau, Tamar Piehu Makekau Recard, David Hauola Makekau, Lele Makekau Duncan, Mima Umiulaikaahumanu Makekau Apo, Sam Umihulumakaokalani Makekau, Charlie Kuapuikealoonaalii Makekau, Jennie
Kaaka Makekau Saffrey, Naohulelua Makekau, Aliee Hakaleleponi Hall, and Abel Nakaielua Makekau. For more information, please contact any of the following representatives: Norman Nakamoto (O'ahu, 6716970), Aliee Aki Shimomura (Maui, 572-0066), Kau'i Alameda (Hawai'i 959-3478), or Evalynn Makekau (Moloka'i, 553-5817).
Akana-Wood-Russell The descendants of Lee Akana (a.k.a. Ah Mai San) and Kamila Akana (nee Makanui) of Anahola, Kaua'i are planning a family reunion on O'ahu in January, 1994. Included with the Akana, Wood and Russell branches are the Ki'ilehua (Grace), Mattos (Lani), Sylva (Sarah) and Yanagi (Lani) 'ohana and their respective branches. We are looking for Hāna, Maui pilikana who were in the Hui 'o Mōkae and Hui 'o Kahawalu to include Ka'ahanui, Kaipo, Kekahuna and Wahinemaika'i. We are also looking for Mānana. O'ahu kin: Ka'anā'anā, Kekaula, Kaho'okano, Keone, Keli'ipi'o and Makanui. On Kaua'i, we are searching for descendants of Moehau Kaluna of Anahola. Direct inquiries to Keith Kalani Akana at 456-1747. Big Island 'ohana ean eall Joshua Koi'i Akana at 885-4100.