Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 7, 1 Iulai 1993 — He mau hanana [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

He mau hanana

A calendar of events

July 2 ' Taro Action Resources Organization (TARO) conferenee on taro-related projects, 2-5 p.m. at Windward Community College. Topics include huli banks, restoration of traditional lo'i, feeding Hawai'i's people, growing taro, public awareness and marketing. Call 262-0981 or 254-2920.

3 Fifth Annual Pacific Islands Taro Festival celebrates taro and other Pacific Island foods through arts and crafts, farmers' market, cultural and historical lectures and storytelling, exhibits on Pacific ecology, agriculture and aquaculture, poi-making demonstrations, imu cooking, taro gardening and cooking, organic farming, island food booths, and traditional dance and chant. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at Windward Community College. Free. Call 235-7433. 4 Turtle Independence Day - open oeean release of adult sea turtles raised in protected seawater ponds at the Mauna Lani Bay Hotel and Resort on the Kohala Coast of Hawai'i, in cooperation with Sea Life Park. Call Leilani Hino at 885-6677. 4 'Iolani Palaee gathering, 11 a,m.-2:30 p.m., organized by the Institute for the Advancement of Hawaiian Affairs. Call Pōkā Laenui at 696-5157. 6 Traditional and Customary Rights lecture, part of the l niversity of Hawai'i-Mānoa Summer Session. Some of

Hawai'i's eommon laws eome directly from Hawaiian traditions and customs. What was the impact of statehood? What changes occurred? What are "access" and "gathering" rights? Kuykendall Auditorium, 7-9 p.m. Call 956-9883. 11 Bankoh Nā Wāhine O Hawai'i, fourth annual women's song and dance festival, pays tribute to Queen Lili'uokalani from 4:30-9

p.m. at Ala Moana Beach Park's McCoy Pavilion. Free. Call 5378658. 13 Native Hawaiian Spirituality lecture, part of the University of Hawai'i-Mānoa Summer Session. All things were sacred to ancient Hawaiians and spirituality was constant in everyone's lives. Two panels will discuss creation chants, genealogy, and Hawaiian burial 7-9 p.m. in Kuykendall Auditorium. Free. Call 956-9883. 17 Prince Lot Hula Festival, 17th annual non-competitive event held on the hula mound at Moanalua Gardens, 9 a.m,- 4 p.m. Thirteen hālau hula from O'ahu, Kaua'i and Lāna'i will be featured. In addition, a hālau from Utah will perform a holokū parade during intermission. Festival theme is "The Elements." Participants are invited to create hula interpreting earth fire, water or air. The Prince Lot Hula festival is named for Kamehameha V, credited with reviving hula during the 19th century when he lived in the Moanalua area. Free, but the Moanalua Gardens Foundation accepts donations. Call 839-5334.

20 Hawaiian Language lecture, part of the University of Hawai'i-Mānoa Summer Session. An historic overview of the language's evolution with a focus on present-day developments (e.g* Pūnana Leo and Kūpuna programs), 7-9 p.m. in Kuykendall Auditorium. Free. Call 956-9883. 26 Alternative Views Towards Sovereignty lecture, part of the University of Hawai'i-Mānoa Summer Session. Rubellite Johnson will lecture at 7:30 p.m. in Kuykendall Auditorium. Free. Call 956-9883. 27 Hawaiian Health lecture, part of the University of Hawai'i-Mānoa Summer Session. Foreign diseases devastated the native Hawaiian population and resulted in long-term psychological and physical health problems. These and other heahh issues will be discussed from 7-9 p.m. in Kuykendall Auditorium. Free. Call 956-9883. 31 - Aug. 6 Friends of the Library Book Sale will allow you to browse through 4,000 boxes of books containing more than 180,000 items - most selling for less than $1. In addition to books there will be magazines, encyclopedia sets, maps, pamphlets, audio and visual cassette tapes, and more ... more than 90 tons worth of knowledge. Last year the sale raised $107,000 for state libraries. This is the 46th annual installment of a real literary tradition. For more information or to volunteer, eall 487-7449. August 1,8 Na Hula O Hawai'i, City Department of Parks & Recreation-sponsored hula festival, 11 a.m. at the Kapi'olani Park bandstand in Honolulu. Cail 266-7654 or 522-7077. 7 Hawaiian Canoe Racing Assoc. State Championships, Hanaka'ō'ō beach, Lahaina, Maui. Call Mary Serrao at 689-6798. 10 Self-determination and selfgovernance Iecture, part of the University of Hawai'i-Mānoa Summer Session. Develop an understanding of the controversy and the impact behind the issues surrounding self-determination, self-governance and sovereignty, 7-9 p.m. in Kuykendall Auditorium. Free. Call 956-9883.

13-14 Ka Hīmeni Ana, 1 1 1 h annual concert and contest of old-style Hawaiian singing without amplification. All songs must be in the

Hawaiian language and date back to pre-World War II. Over $2,000 in cash prices will be awarded. 8 p.m. at Orvis Auditorium, University of Hawai'i-Mānoa. Call 842-0421. 15 Bankoh Kī Hō'alu Hawaiian Slack-Key Guitar Festival, a five-hour concert in Waimānalo by Hawai'i's best slack-key guitar players. Call Mihon Lau at 522-7030.

15-16 Pu'ukoholā Cultural Festival, demonstrations at Pu'ukoholā Heiau in Kawaihae, Hawai'i. Call Daniel Kawaiaea at 882-7218. 19 Native Hawaiian Small Business Expo, featuring exhibits, networking, keynote speaker Sam Slom. Sponsored by the Native Hawaiian Chamber of Commerce. $10 registration fee includes heavy pūpū. The Willows, 6 - 8:30 p.m. Call 3775611. 21 "Year of American Craft" crafts fair at Thomas Square features more than 150 artists and craftspeople displays, craft demonstrations and art for sale. Workshops at the Linekona Academy Art Center will include raku firings, printmaking and jewelry-making, and activities for children. A quilting and stitchery show, "The Creative Festival," will be held nearby at the Blaisdell Center. Event sponsor is the American Craft Council. Call 737-6488. 27-29 Queen Lili'uokalani festival in Hale'iwa honors Hawai'i's last monarch with a barefoot ball, festival of healing arts, crafts, food, and an 'ukulele contest. For more information, eall 637-5620.

The Pnnee Lot Hula Festival has heeome a July tradition.

Check out the huge book sale this summer. Call 4877449.