Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 7, 1 July 1993 — Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
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Lauuma Working together cooperatively for the halanee and good of the community. Mahalo to the many people who have offered and given their support over the years. Your appreciation and understanding of our mission is comforting. It strengthens our resolve to hold fast — 'onipa'a — to the principles and ideals whieh guide this institution. Ke Ali'i Pauahi intended her legacy to endure for the perpetual benefit of her people and all Hawai'i Nei. Her vision of justice and hope extends to all in our community through the Hawaiian people. With your continued support, Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate will not only endure, it will continue to make Pauahi's dream a reality for more of Hawaii's people.
I mua Kamehameha! I mua Hawai'i! kamehameha schools/bernice pauahi blshop estate