Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 7, 1 Iulai 1993 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Who'd you piek for the fairest, most objective person you know? The Legislature asked Hawaiian organizations to nominate candidates for the Hawaiian Sovereignty Advisory Commission. The Commission will advise the Legislature on format and procedures for a convention to propose a governing document for a sovereign Hawaiian nation. Govemor Waihee will appoint 12 Commissioners ffom a list of organization nominees. Nominations must be received by Julv 12. 1993.
The Commission will recommend special elections, size and composition of the convention, boundaries of convention districts, and proposed convention dates. The Commission is responsible for voter education, registration, and preparation for the convention. Commissioners will not be eompensated but will be reimbursed for expenses. Organizations who have not received a nominaūon packet should eall the Office of State Planning at 587-2844. Paid Advertisement