Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 7, 1 Iulai 1993 — Wai ʻanae group to receive grant for tourism and aquaculture projects [ARTICLE]
Wai ʻanae group to receive grant for tourism and aquaculture projects
The Department of Business, Eeonomie Development and Tourism are supporting the development of tourism and aquaculture ventures for Wai'anae residents with a $50,000 grant. The Wai'anae Coast Community Alternative Development Corporation was formed in 1987 to undertake alternative socio-economic development. It will use the funds, granted under the auspices of the CommunityBased Eeonomie Development program, to expand two promising endeavors: the
backyard aquaculture program and the Cultural Learning Center at Ka'ala. The aquaculture project involves increasing the number of participating families and organizing them into a cooperative. The leaming center project, meanwhile will now focus on the formulation of strategic, business, and marketing plans to establish the Cultural Learning Centers as an eeonomically viable, self-support-ing educational and eeo-eul-tural tourism program. This would include the creation of
a curriculum and guided tour package for visitors to the eenter and targeted audiences. The funds will also be used to draft a financing strategy for construction improvements and operations at the center. In making the announeement, DBEDT director Mufi Hanneman said, "This is another fine example of the merits of our CommunityBased Eeonomie Program, whieh gives communities an opportunity to create and support business enterprises that meet the special needs of their residents."