Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 7, 1 Iulai 1993 — Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
A Expand your knowledge of ancient Hawaiian crafts with Special intensive workshops sponsored by the Native Hawaiian Culture & Ajts Program, Bishop Museum These workshops are for the experienced practitioner and will focus on repairs, little- known practices and special interest items. Samples of your work and knowledge of the Hawaiian language may be required by instructors. Eaeh workshop is forty hours. Dates, times and locations are determined by eaeh instructor.
The instructor will make the final student selection. Workshop start dates: \ ie'ie basketry Instructor: Pat Horimoto \\ O'ahu - September 11, 1993 \ \ Hawai'i - November 13, 1993 \ \ Kahili making Instructor: Kaha'i Topolinski \ \ O'ahu - September 12, 1993 \ \ Maui - Jauuary 8, 1994 J Gourds Instructor: Calvin Hoe ^ O'ahu - January 8, 1994 Moloka'i - March 1 2, 1994 kii Adze (koi) construction Instructor: Tom Pieo O'ahu - November 6, 1993 i / " "■'/ X ' Hawai'i - November 13, 1993 m 1 The workshops are free. Space is limited so eall NHCAP at 532-5630 for a registration form. V _J