Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 7, 1 Iulai 1993 — Hawaiian business expo planned [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Hawaiian business expo planned
The Native Hawaiian Small Business Expo featuring exhibits of goods and services produced by Hawaiian entrepreneurs is planned for Aug. 19 by the Native Hawaiian Chamber of Commerce. Business owners and employees will also have
the opportunity to plug their businesses during an "open mie" session. Small Business Hawai'i president Sam Slom will be the keynote speaker. The expo will take plaee Aug. 19
from 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. at The Willows restaurant in Honolulu. Outstanding door prizes will be awarded from 5:30 - 6, so get there early. The registration fee is $10, whieh includes heavy pūpū. Exhibitor tables are free for chamber members, $20 for nonmembers. Make your eheek payable to NHCC and send to Native Hawaiian Chamber of Commerce, 552 N. Nimitz Hwy., Honolulu, H1 96817. For more information, eall networking
chairperson Leighton La'akea Suganuma at 377-5611 (or fax 377-5635). The chamber is embarking on a major membership drive. Says Suganuma, "The only way we ean help eaeh other is if we know what everyone is doing. We need to recognize who's
out there, and we need to organize ourselves to be a force in the eeonomie future." The Native Hawaiian Chamber of Commerce was known as the Hawaiian Business/ Professiona!
Association until members voted to change the name at their May meeting. The organization, whieh is open to businesspersons of any ethnicity, exists to promote the interest of its members engaged in business, industry and the professions; to encourage fraternal and cooperative relations among its members, and to provide the means to organize the Hawaiian business and professional eommunity.