Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 6, 1 Iune 1993 — ʻOhana Reunions [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
ʻOhana Reunions
Na 'ohana e ho'ohui 'ia ana
The Kalawe-Wright 'ohana is having a reunion June 19 at the Wailoa Park Pavilion in Hilo from noon to 10 p.m. Lots of food, entertainment, and genealogy information. Contact Irma Yamada at 935-4496 (Hilo), John W.K. Wright, Jr. at 533-3290 (O'ahu) or May L. Wright at 668-1831 (O'ahu) for information.
Mahoe/Various Canada Hawaiians
Hawaiians are invited to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada for a reunion June 27 from 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. at Belcarra Park in Greater Vancouver. Many descendants of Hawaiians who migrated to North America will be there, including descendants of Naukana, Mahoe, Adams, Eihu, and Browne. Reunion includes guest speakers and entertainment. For information, eall Larry Bell at (604) 853-5528 or Mabel MePhee at (604) 431-9005. Bell, a descendant of Mahoe, is seeking Hawaiian relatives (see related article, this issue). Mahoe worked at Ft. Vancouver, Washington State and Ft. Rupert, British Columbia, Canada in the early and mid-1800s. He has many descendants in Canada. For more information, write Larry Bell at 33392 Babich PL, Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada V2S 6V3.
The descendants of Moses and Carrie (Keawehawaii) Kupukaa will have a family reunion the weekend of July 2 -4 in Kohala at Māhukona Beach Park. Moses and Carrie had 13 children. They include John Kaulahea Kupukaa, David Kaalaehu Kupukaa, Samuel Kakalia Kupukaa, James Kulolia Kupukaa, Kahaikupuna Kupukaa, William Kaaihue Kupukaa, John Momona Kupukaa, Emily Kaulakeahi Kupukaa, Henry Keamolaniohaumea Kupukaa, Mary Kapoeokeolani Kupukaa, Kalainuiahina Kupukaa, Henry Kahelehonu Kupukaa and Harry Kaia Kupukaa. The 'ohana would like to include all members in the scheduled activities. For more information, contact Violet (889-5987) or Diana (8895485) on the Big Island; Malia (841-6884) or Sarah (293-8743) on O'ahu; or write Nā 'Ohana O Kupukaa, P.O. Box 728, Hau'ula, HI 96717.
The descendants of the Rev. Adam Pali and Paaoao Kila Poholopu and their children, Philip Paaoao Pali, Sr., Lilia Pali, Lizzie Pali, Mary Kawahine Haole Hookiehe Pali and Laura Pali, will have a family reunion with potluck pienie at Kualoa Regional Park, Ko'olaupoko, O'ahu on Saturday, July 10 from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 'Ohana members are asked to bring genealogies and pictures.
There will be talk-story time and entertainment. Connected 'ohana include Ako, Andrade, Antone, Auburn, Barboza, Bright, Fairman, Goldstone, Gomes, Kakalia, Kalepa, Kalilikane, Mitchell, Pickard, Salanoa, Salvadorif, Smith, Spencer, Werner and Wong. For more information contact Barbara Andrade Tachibana at 293-1618, Havana McLafferty at 949-0025 or David Pali at 696-4135.
The 'ohana of Moke Hukiku and Kapali Keulua will hold a reunion and potluck at Sand Island Park, O'ahu on Sat., July 17 from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Some of the families will eamp at the park July 16-18. This 'ohana includes the children of Hukiku and Keulua - James Moses, Mary Kiko, Annie Flores, Jack Moses, Joseph Kaahanui Moses, Frank Moke, Louise Larinaga, Kalei Tisalona and Malia Santiago, as well as from Lokalia Anakolio Holt, James Lawrence Holt, Kaluna Keawekane, Malia Kaneaiakala, and the Kaahanuis. For more information, eall Dolores at 488-3530 (reunion), Annamae at 423-1835 (prereunion meeting), Kapali or Eva at 696-4635 (camping arrangements), or Kalani at 338-0229 (genealogical data).
Puha / Keamohuli
The 'ohana of John Moses Puha and Elizabeth Kuluwaimaka Keamohuli will be having a family reunion July 23-25 on Maui. The 'ohana is inviting the descendants of Moki and Kaiu Puha and also the descendants of George and Elizabeth Keamohuli to the reunion. For more information, please contact any one of the following: on O'ahu - Leinani Puha Kaai at 941-1465, Nohea Santimer at 595-01 17, or Jim Keanini at 5214091 (evenings); on Maui - Noenoe Lindsey at 878-1943; and on Hawai'i — Shirley-Ann Kanuha at 329-7205. Or please write to Elmer K. Kaai, Jr., 1215 Alexander St., Apt. 406, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96826.
Descendants of Joaquin and Louise Kaiama Enos, through their sons William, Huakini, John and Joseph, are planning a reunion at Kahului, Maui from July 29-31. The family wants to update family information to include everyone. Reunion includes: genealogy workshop, family night, arts and crafts workshops, sports day and a lū'au. Contact: Elsie Daniels (572-5592 on Maui), Rachelle Enos (877-3283 on Maui), Bobby Akoi (293-8276 on O'ahu) or Audrey Kahanu (2475738 on O'ahu). For more information write Elsie Daniels, P.O. Box 1809, Makawao, Hawai'i 96868.
As a scout leadership project, Ann Hamanalau Yoshida is planning an 'ohana reunion Aug. 6-8 on O'ahu for all descendants of our kūpuna who lived in the year 1790: Jonas Dickson and Elizabeth Gill, William Menzies and Sara Quarles, E. George Miner and Kukonaokalani, Kanepaina and Luahiwa o Kalani, Kanehailua (Palea) and Kaiaahue, William Gay and Ann Patterson, Frances Sinclair and Elizabeth McHutcheson, Kainoahou and Kealiikuokoa (and Puohu), Kapuniainui (Maulili's adopted family, whieh included Kapuniailiilii and Anna), Isaac Hart and Elizabeth Wond, Mikahaka and Pahakoa, Kawelo and Pokipala, and Liwai Kauai and Haliimaile. Also invited are the 'ohana of my late father, Jack P. King. For further information contact the Dexter Dickinsons (Decca, Verna, Lolly) at (808) 239-9951 or 2395580, or Amelia P. King, 152 Cheltenham Way, San Jose, CA
95139-1213, phone (408) 2819417.
The 'ohana of Opunui and Kawani will be having a reunion at Sand Island Beach Park, O'ahu on Saturday, Aug. 7 from 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. The reunion will include updating genealogies, entertainment and activities for the children. For more information, contact Patsy Muniz Chu at 839-1756.
K a i n a - Saunders
Aloha pumehana iā kākou apau, mai ka 'ohana i O'ahu nei. No ka makemake a kākou, e kono 'ia aku nei 'oukou i kekahi ho'ohui 'ana no ko kākou 'ohana. E hui like kākou. Warm greetings to you from the family on O'ahu. The descendants of David Mauolele Kaina and Nelli Naha'alelea Naho'opi'i, are planning a family reunion for Aug. 20-22 on O'ahu, as follows: Aug. 20, 6-10 p.m. genealogy workshop; Aug. 21, 9 a.m. - 10 p.m. family day and pa'ina; Aug. 22, 10 a.m. - on, relaxation and fellowship. For more information contact: Laverne Hatch (672-4700), Agnes Saunders (488-5138), Sam Kaina (677-9286), Glenn Kamanao (254-3291), Nellie "Nahala" Aina (259-7835), Juanita Tolentino (885-4909 on the island of Hawai'i), or Peter Kaina (874-4068 on Maui).
All Kais of Hawaiian/Chinese ancestry and descendants of John Akina Kai and Kekulu Kanealoha Kaiu Kai (1800s) through their sons John Makia, Kekunu, Henry Kalamaikai, John Kikai and daughters Mary Kauana Kai, Annie Lukia Kahilo Kai Metcalf, are asked to contact the Hilo Family Plan Gang for a reunion Aug. 20-22 in Hilo. In Hilo contact Louella Gramberg (959-5190), Paul Kai (959-7213), or Harvey Kai (959-5190). In Honolulu, contact Sonny Kai (261-2482) or Johnny Kai (7355118). On Kaua'i, contact Kelvin Kai (332-8873). Or write to Kai 'Ohana, 434-B Manono St., Kailua, HI 96734.
The Ni'ihau 'ohana and its major branches of descendants will be having a family reunion Aug. 20-22 on O'ahu. The Ni'ihau major branches include: Niheu, Nihau, Kalalau, and Kupanihi. For more information