Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 5, 1 Mei 1993 — Gas, electric bill help for low-ineome families [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Gas, electric bill help for low-ineome families

IDo you need help with your gas or electric utility bills? From May 3 to June 30, 1993 (or until funds run out, whichever comes first), lowineome families on O'ahu who need help paying their bills may apply for a one-time credit toward I paying either their gas or electricity account. This | assistance is being offered by the 1993 Low | Ineome Home Energy Program (LIHEAP) of the | Honolulu Community Action Program. Eligibility is based on specific ineome criteria | and total household assets must not exceed $3500. 1 To apply, you will need to present your current | original utility bill, verify your residence (the | address listed on the bill) and declare all members | who live at your residence. Your application will

then be reviewed to see if the household is eligi- 1 ble. - I ineome criteria: l-person household — up to | $12,060 annual ineome ( $l,005/month). 2-person | household — up to $16,290 annual ineome I ($l,357/month). 3-person household — up to | $20,520 annual ineome ($l,710/month). For additional household members add $4,110 for annual | ineome ($342/month). 1 Apply at offices of Honolulu Community | Action Program in: Central O'ahu— 488-6834; | Kalihi-Pālama— 847-4861; Leahi— 732-7755; 1 Wai'anae — 696-4261; Windward — 239-5754. Application hours are 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 to § 3:30 p.m., Monday-Friday except on holidays.