Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 5, 1 Mei 1993 — U.S. Senate reschedules AIRFA hearing to May 8 [ARTICLE]
U.S. Senate reschedules AIRFA hearing to May 8
Thc L;.S. Senate Commi«ee on Imlian Affairs has reschcduled the hearing on proposed amendments to fhe Axner»can Indian • . Religiou,s Freedom Act (AIRFA) to May 8, The hcaring was to be held April 7. but the Senate bad been seheduled to remain in session because of a filibuster on PresideniClinton's$I6biHioneconomie s(inwius paekage. This is not the first lime the AIRFA hearing has been rescheduled. li.S. Sen, Danie! Inouye snid, "ī regret thal ihe scheduling of Senate business has onee again compelicd the rcscheduiing of this important hearing on the rights of Native Amertcans to free1y exercise their religions. But the May hearing will sttli enahle Congress to consider the views artd cohoerns of the nafive Hawaiian communtty pdōr to any aetion on the dmft legislative Jaifialt¥e." • ^ ' ' The hearing is set for 8-1 i a.m. Sa!urday, May 8 in the ? d&iainortd Hcad Bailroom of the Aia Wai Golf Course, 404 Kapahulu Ave in Homilulu. To sign up to testify or to get more information. contaet Noeiie Kahanu. counsel to the Senate Commīttee on Indian AfTairs, at 541-2542.