Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 5, 1 May 1993 — PlC seeks executive director [ARTICLE]

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PlC seeks executive director

Experienced administrator and fundraiser to implemem board policics artd objectjves artd managc fhe offtce. AppJicants should havc demonstrated experience in fundraistng, office and accounts management, previous experience workmg for non-profit corporatiom and managemenf of federal grants. In addtfion, appiicams shoutd have strong writing and speaking skills, and experience in working witb indigenous Pacific Island cultures. Working knowledge of film and television industry witb experienee in production and training is desirable. Applieanfs should haVe a ltberal arts degrec or equivaient work expertence. If interested send three copies of your resume and a lelter of inienl no later than May 19 to: Marsha Joyner, Managing Consultant, Pacific lslanders in Communications, 1221 Kapi'olani Blvd., #6A-4, lionolulu, Hawai'i 96814.