Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 5, 1 May 1993 — Vendors sought to offer discounts to Hawaiians [ARTICLE]
Vendors sought to offer discounts to Hawaiians
Busineses interested in reaching the Hawaiian market should take advantage of an opportunity to offer discount rates to Hawaiians through the Operation 'Ohana Hawaiian enrollment program. This registration of all Hawaiians, both in Hawai'i and overseas, is being conducted by the planning and research division of OHA. Its purpose is to locate and register all Hawaiians, and to verify their ancestry, in order that Hawaiians may elaim a variety of present benefits and services throughout the state. OHA anticipates additional future entitlements to become available provided that federal legislation on land claims and restitution is passed. At present, 15,000 Hawaiians are now enrolled and Operation 'Ohana is continuing to register Hawaiians in Hawai'i, on the mainland and
abroad. To expand on the present range of available benefits, OHA needs the kōkua of Hawaiian and other vendors. Businesses and individuals interested in offering discount rates of any type to cardcarrying Hawaiians in Operation 'Ohana are invited to fill out the form below and mail it to Operation 'Ohana, e/o Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Suite 500, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96816. Or phone 5863741 or 586-3754. Operation 'Ohana builds upon Hawaiian values and traditions, primarily that of 'ohana, the extended family that is the backbone of Hawaiian society. Furthermore, Operation 'Ohana will provide a consistent and universal means of identifying the Hawaiian people.
! Operation 'Ohana Vendor Response Form ! I i I l !/_ /Yes I am interested in offering discount rates I I I I !Name of business I I I I I I I I I I I I !Address: ! i Tel: i I I I I I !Contact person: I I I I |Type of business: I I I I |Type of discount: I I I I I I !Conditions for discount: ! I I I I I - J