Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 5, 1 May 1993 — Kamehameha Schools seeks scraps from the past [ARTICLE]

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Kamehameha Schools seeks scraps from the past

Kamehameha Schools/Btshop Estate is looking for personal papers, memorabilia, scrapbooks and other materials related to the history of KS/BE, its graduates and staff. KS/BE archivist Janet Zisk encourages alumni, family members, former staff and others with such items to contact the KS/BE Archives at 842-8945. The KS/BE Archives is located on the lower level of the Midkiff Learning Center on the Kamehameha Schools campus. It houses an extensive eolleelion of papers and documents related to

the history of Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estates such as newspapers, early ledgers, reports, programs, scrapbooks and memorabilia. Other ho!dings include the personal papers of Frank Midkiff (former president and longtime KS/BE trustee) and Dr. Donald Mitchell (former teacher and expert in Hawaiian culture), the papers of the Polynesian Voyaging Society, a fine colIection of feather lei and a variety of artifacts from various parts of the Pacific.