Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 4, 1 April 1993 — OHA to produce CBED video [ARTICLE]
OHA to produce CBED video
OHA, in collaboration with Juniroa Productions, is producing a 20-tninute broadcast video showcasing a variet>" of eommumty based eeonomie projects throughout the state. The video wil! act as an jxiformation resource about eommunity based eeonomie deveiopment, as weli as highligbt sorae of the projects that OHA has helped put together. The idea for the video eame out of the Community Based Eeonomie Deyelopment conferenee put on by OHA iast August. Feedbaek from the conference yf'i\ ,-|sk
indicated there was a need for more intormation sharing. As well as sponsor OHA wiil act as a liaison between Juniroa and tbe CBED projects. "We want to provide a catalyst for people in the community to take the imtiative with regard to eeonomie development" says OHA's Christine Van Bergeijk. "We want them to reaiize fhey don't bave to foilow an outside vision." The project is expected to be fmished the end of Apiii and wiil be aired later on 'Ōlelo, Channel 22, ' ■!