Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 1993 — Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

First Official Issue Office of Hawaiian Affairs The Story of: Kamehameha and Coins He was the First! 1 II 1 1 LONG BEFORE Kamehameha was to unite the Islands and Hawaii 1 was a kingdom, there was an economy and need for KALA. a Kamehameha himself was in need as we are today. ¥ 1 80 J DEDICATED to fulfilling his destiny, Kamehameha was faced Mg t A M with how to finance his conquest for unification. This was F p. 0 w answered when Kamehameha became the first Hawaiian to F Kn J 9 3 accept gold and silver coins as money for the sandalwood S s 3 trees. W A M KAMEHAMEHA never accepted terms, always demanded t w gold and silver, and never found himself at anyone's mercy. 9 Kamehameha was great. His plan was to amass so mueh j| power that he would never have to use it He succeeded. TODAY we ean succeed. And will with the first Hawaii Sovereign Coin of Kamehameha. It commemorates the loss and rebirth of sovONLY ereignty. Dated 1993, the Hawaii Sovereign is the perfect gift for Valentine's Day, baby luau, hula, graduation and Mother's Day. Many other coins with King Kalakaua, Queen Liliuokalani and Princess Kaiulani in all sizes of gold and silver are also available at The Mint. E KOMO MAI - COME AND SEE THE FUTURE.

In Observance of the Overthrow and Loss of Sovereignty.


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1993 0VERTHR0W DALA\ ) The Hawaiian Sovereign and Overthrow Dala are w § and wear as jewelry. It is an appropriate gift for/ J lt is the gift to friends and business associates it is an affordable gift. The Sovereigns and the Dalas are easy to \ Īa Honolulu at (808) 949-6468 and charge it to §. j at King & Kalakaua in Honolulu and see oun^i ' j j Jewelry in gold and silver. Call 949-6468

' 1993 HAWAII SOVEREIGN Hawaii's heritage that you ean hold in your nand . . . a baby luau, birthday, wedding or anniversary. that is meaningful . . . Hawaiian. And for just $29, & order too. Just eall the Royal Hawaiian Mint in |B your Visa or Mastercard. Or stop by The Mint w wide selection of Hawaiian Commemorative for new Hawaii Sovereign Jewelry.

OFFICIAL ORDER FORM ALOHA! Please send me the following order: Please include $5.00 for shipping and handling. Hawaii residents must add 4% sales tax.

1 993 Uverthrow Dala at $39 .UU eaeh, One Ounee .999 Fine Silver Proof 1993 Hawaii Sovereign at $29.00 eaeh. One Ounee .999 Fine Silver Proof Overthrow / Sovereign Set at $55.00 eaeh Two One Ounee .999 Fine Silver Proofs ♦ Gold Hapaiwakalua Sovereign at $86.25 1/20 Ounee .9999 Gold with Plain Mount Gold Hapa 'umi Sovereign at $156.25 1/10 Ounee .9999 Gold with Rope Mount


♦ ♦♦-♦■ Call 949-6468 for the Complete Sovereign Jewelry Selection Royal Hawaiian Mint * King & Kalakaua ■ Honolulu, Hawaii 96826 Satisfaction Guaranteed Since 1974 FOR SPECIAL CLUB & ORGANIZATION PRICES C ALL 808-949-6468