Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 3, 1 March 1993 — Hāna tries community-based economic development with Hāna Village Marketplace [ARTICLE]

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Hāna tries community-based economic development with Hāna Village Marketplace

Hina Malailena ine., a nonprofit corporation organized by Hāna residents to create alternative employment and ineome opportunities for native Hawaiians, is planning to build a 10,000 square- foot community-based commercial center in dowtown Hāna. The center, named the Hāna Village Marketplace, will eombine restaurant, store and office space, as well as an open market for loeal residents to sell arts and crafts and fresh produce. The area will also be used for demonstrations, exhibits and entertainment.

With the Marketplace, Hina Malailena hopes to provide an opportunity for self-employment, create loeal jobs and prevent relocation of native Hawaiian residents. OHA's Board of Trustees assisted the project by voting unanimously to take a eo-appli-

cant role, allowing Hina Malailena, ine. to qualify for $1.36 million in grant financing from the U.S. Eeonomie Development Administration (EDA). A decision on the grant should be made in the next few months.

Under the direction of its president, Bill Chang, Hina Malailena has already secured over $500,000 from the Administration for Native Americans for project planning and design, and a $250,000 grant from the County of Maui for eonstruction costs. OHA will also provide a $90,000 communitybased eeonomie development loan. OHA trustees commended Hina Malailena principals, OHA staff, and the experts who volunteered their technical assistance, noting that the project was especially important because it empowered Hawaiians to take control of their