Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 3, 1 Malaki 1993 — Deadline to apply for ʻAha ʻOpio is March 19 [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Deadline to apply for ʻAha ʻOpio is March 19

The Office of Hawaiian Affairs is soliciting applications for its 1993 youth legislature, 'Aha 'Opio O OHA. High school juniors (class of 1994) of Hawaiian ancestry are encouraged to apply. Applications are available at the Honolulu and neighbor island offices of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and from high school advisors. Completed applications must be received no later than

March 15. 'Aha 'Opio O OHA is the OHA education division's annual Youth Leadership Development Program. Students spend five days in a residential setting learning the govemmental process and developing leadership skills. For applications and more info mation, eall OHA's education division at (808) 587-3146 or (808) 586-3777.