Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 3, 1 March 1993 — The Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund [ARTICLE]

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The Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund

The Native Hawaiian Revolvirig Loan Fund provīdes loans to native Hawaiians who want to siart a new business or expand ān existing one, The i.oan Fund is a federal program supported by the Administration for Native Amertcans and administered by OHA. The Fund also provides free or low-cost managcmenf and teclmical assiStance through direct staff support and/or through consultants contracted by OHA. App!icants must liil out a preapplieaiion questionnaire, provide requestcd documentation (such as birth certificate, tax returns, financial statements. etc.). and submit a detailed business plan. For rnore information, eali the OHA eeonomie developmem division at 586-3750, or contact one of OHA's neighbor island oflices.