Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1993 — ʻOhana Reunions [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

ʻOhana Reunions

Na 'ohana e ho'ohui 'ia ana


A Luaehu 'ohana reunion is being planned for all descendants of Elizabeth Annie Poole and John Luaehu, whieh include descendants of Mary Kahalelau Luaehu and Lei Tau'a Sr., Victoria Kalei Luaehu and Henry Francis Bissen, Katherine Luaehu and Frederick Wilhelm, Emma Luaehu and Antone Soares, Victoria Maihui Luaehu and Robert Kekuhaupio Kaholokula, Martha Kamaka Luaehu and Yun Kiu Kim, and Joseph Luaehu Lyons and Muiiel Mililani Wise. All family members interested andJor willing to help are invited and encouraged to attend planning meetings. For more information eall: Francis S.D. Kim (son of Martha Kamaka Luaehu) at 553-3944 on Moloka'i, Holly A.N. Kim (daughter of Francis S.D. Kim) at 456-0688 on O'ahu, or Richard Thomas Bissen (son of Francis Thomas Bissen) at 877-0481 on Maui.