Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1993 — Japanese American Citizens League sends message of support to native Hawaiians [ARTICLE]
Japanese American Citizens League sends message of support to native Hawaiians
by Allicyn Hikiela, Honolulu JACL president-elect
It is a pleasure and privilege to represent the Japanese American Citizens League in today's solemn event. On the 100th anniversary of the unlawful overthrow of the Hawaiian kingdom, the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) reaffirms its support for the restoration of human, civil, property and sovereign rights of Hawai'i's indigenous people. In August 1992 at its 32nd hiennial national convention, the JACL adopted a resolution whieh calls for the U.S. government to recognize the sovereign nation of Hawai'i and to correct the injustices of the illegal and immoral overthrow 100 years ago. JACL is the oldest and largest Asian American civil rights
organization in the United States. As stated in the resolution, the JACL recognizes the loss of independence and self-determi-nation of native Hawaiians and agrees it remains an important cultural and political factor today. We respect the even broader issue of equality for all people, irrespective of race, to exercise the right of self-deter-mination in their homeland. The JACL shares, endorses and encourages American ideals and principles of justice through law, and profoundly believes that the injustice to one is a harm endured by all.
Native Hawaiian people's rights and freedoms must be completely explored in order to bring about harmony within Hawai'i's society. On a loeal level, the Honolulu chapter is one of the first non-
Hawaiian groups to support sovereignty efforts for native Hawaiians. In February last year, JACL members offered support to Hui Na'auao, a eonsortium of 40 Hawaiian groups working together on sovereignty education. The JACL aeknowledges the parallels between the Japanese American redress movement and the native Hawaiian efforts to regain justice and sovereignty from the U.S. government. Political and legal strategies and lessons on a loeal and national level were shared with Hui members. Together with the native Hawaiians, the JACL will be 'Onipa'a, steadfast in its eommitment and support for your eall upon the government of the United States of America to recognize the sovereign nation of Hawai'i to correct the injustices of 100 years ago.