Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1993 — Hawaiʻi recalls the overthrow, [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Hawaiʻi recalls the overthrow,
An 'awa ceremony to honor leaders of the Hawaiian community was held on Sunday, C Jan. 17 on the palaee grounds near the Pohukaina burial mound. At far left Prince £ Edward Kawananakoa is greeted by a chant offered by Kekuni Blaisdell, far right. e Participants included Ed Kaopuiki, ali'i aimoku of the Royal Order of Kamehameha, OHA v trustee Frenchy DeSoto, Nainoa Thompson, Palikapu Dedman, Mel Kalahiki, Charles £ Maxwell, Davianna McGregor, Sen. Eloise Tungpalan, Soli Niheu, and Tom Maunupau. r
A symbolic ahu is built of stones from all islands, brought to commemorate the centennial.
Songs, chants, and hula in honor of Oueen Lili'uokalani were presented at a daylong concert on Saturday.
Flying the Hawaiian flag proudly.
The statue of Queen Lili'uokalani i offered in ho'okupu (tribute) by tb memory and legacy to Hawai'i tod