Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1993 — Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Celebrating 20 years of Business Excellence |j| POAKALANI |j| Masier Quiher Poahalani woulei like to Thank the many friends who has helpeei to make her business a successful endeavor. Catherine A Lee, Nalional Traditional Quilter Magazine, May 1992 Issue, Queen Emma Summer Paiaee, Museum & StalT Debbie Pope. Mission Houses Museum & StaH 1 Merrie Carol Grain, Consortium for the Paeilie Arts and Culture Leala Pili, American Samoa Couneil on Art, Culture and the Humanities Lois Taylor. Honolulu Star Bulletin 1972 & 1991 Harry & Pauline Kunimune. Kum Dr\ s Goods & Stall Yvonne Friel, DOE. Moloka'i Jim & Tink Stanko. Fomierl\ Pauloa Pattems All quilters who have enjoyed our Heirloom Patterns. Congratulations to Certified Student Quilters

Helene Berman Kathv Hoole J

Naomi Kemhle Elizabeth Long Sophia Makainai Janice Onaka Edie Palmer Marilyn Parsons Marie Paul

Fern Petronave

Quilting Certification Classes are taught every Monday 9:30 AM lo 12:00 PMal Tlie Queen Enuna Summer Palaee Museum and Saturdays 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM at the Mission |"" I \vould like to preserve the Culture and Hentage of Hawaiian Quilting b\ ordenng | | Poakalani Pattem and New Products Catalog $5.(X) . Poakalani Quarterlv Ne\vsletter $10.00 $15.00 (Int'l) I I I Newsletter includes: WHATS HOT - New Ideas and Techniques ol Hawaiian Quilting | and Design, UP & COMING - Calendar on Special Quilting Events, MlLESTONES - | Mail to Poakalani 1720 Huna St. #106 Honolulu, HI 96817 Ph: 521-1568 J Always an Heirloom , Always Poakalani He Hana Ohana Kanaka Maoli.