Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1993 — Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


t-shirts: Bright red Beefy Tees with white and blue silk screening. All sizes available O^^LANO k SWI1EKMT Cē or H^vaoan *** k $ 1 6 eaeh or 2 for $30

BADGESi Blue pin with white lettering 2 25 inches across. Attached Hawaiian flag screened on white ribbon 4 inches long. /%* " '#\ /»> \\ ' oiwpa a ] \ \ LAMO A MD / $2 eaeh or 3 for $5

Struggle for Justice Continues January 1 7. 1 993 is past, but the struggle for justice goes on. You ean help the campaign by purchasing commemorative T-Shirts and badges from the Office of Hawaiian Affairs - all proceeds go to the Native Hawaiian Rights Fund. Both items carry replicas of the ofTicial flag of the Hawaiian nation (slightly longer in proportion than the state flag). CUP FORM AT BOTTOM, INDICATE NUMBER OF BADGES OR T-SHIRTS AND PROPER SlZE. AND SEND TO: Native Hawalian Rights Fund Office of Hawaiian Affairs 71 1 Kapiolani Blvd. SuKe 500 Honolulu, Hawail 96813 FOR MORE lNFORMAT!ON, CALL OHA AT 586-3777 ] YES! I WANT TO HELP THE STRUGGLE FOR JUSTICE! | Send me[ lcommemorative BADGES | lcommemorative T-SHIRTS | ($2 eaeh or 3 for $5) sm med_lge_XL_XXL_XXXL indicate numberof T-shirts ineachsize I Name ($16; 2 for $30) Address | Daytime phone Enclosed is my eheek for $ | (Make checks payable to: Native Hawaiian Rights Fund) —