Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 1, 1 January 1993 — OHA Board Business [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA Board Business
Na kuleana a ka Papa Kahu waiwai
by Pearl Leialoha Page
The newly inducted Board of Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs met for the first time Thursday, Dec. 10, 1992 in the OHA board room to elect a new chair and vice chair. All nine trustees were present: Abraham Aiona, Moanike'ala
Akaka, Rowena Akana, A. Frenchy DeSoto, Clayton Hee, Klna'u Boyd Kamali'i, Kamaki Kanahele III, Moses Keale, Sr. and Samuel Kealoha, Jr. Moses Keale, Sr. presided, in accordance with the board's bylaws. Terms for the chair and
vice-chair are two years unless the board replaces either one with a vote of no confidence. Tmstees Hee and Keale were nominated chairman. Keale withdrew his name, saying he did not seek the chairmanship. Hee was re-elected as chair with
eight 'ae votes and one 'a'ole, Rowena Akana casting the opposing vote. Nominations for vice chair included Abraham Aiona and Samuel Kealoha, Jr. Seven trustees voted for Aiona. Trustees Akaka and Akana
voted for Kealoha. Eaeh tmstee pledged to work together for the betterment of the beneficiaries. Tmstee Kealoha said he was "proud" and counted it a "pleasure to represent Ka Lāhui on this board." And tbougb he wants to work together, he said "My platform remains the same." Trustee Kanahele said he is willing to eome to the table and work out the differences. "I think if we set the whole agenda on the table, we will discover that we are still woiking for one people - this great nation of ours of kānaka maoli - our Hawaiian people." Tmstee Kamali'i said "time is of the essence" with a new U.S. president in the White House. "As a Hawaiian, I do not believe in barriers," she said. "I have seen Hawaiians build barriers. If there is a barrier, I will go over it, under it or through it for the betterment of Hawaiians."
Trustees Abraham Aiona, Kīna'u Boyd Kamali'i, Moses Kealek, Sr., Rowena Akana, Samuel Kealoha, Jr., Moanike'ala Akaka, Frenchy DeSoto, Kamaki Kanahele and Clayton Hee stand together to face the future. Photo by Lollie Ulibarri