Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 1, 1 January 1993 — He mau hanana A calendar of events [ARTICLE]
He mau hanana A calendar of events
January Dec. 31 - Jan. 1 First Night, Honolulu's fun and fanta-sy-filled alcohol-free New Year's Eve celebration. Starts at 2 p.m. at Thomas Square with storytellers, performances, carnival and continues most the night through downtown. Button sales are $5. 6-26 Kahurangi Maori Dance Theatre, New Zealand's only professional Maori performing company, visits Hawai'i for the first time to share songs and dances through workshops, lecture demonstrations and performances. Hosted by Bishop Museum, Polynesian Cultural Center, Wai'anae Cultural Center, Waimea and Hilo Hawaiian Civic Clubs and the Moloka'i community, the Kahurangi, have presented 600 shows in festivals, eolleges and schools on the mainland. The group's latest album "Aku Tipuna" is the highest selling album in their homeland. The group plans to be in Wai'anae the 2nd4th; Moloka'i the 4th - 6th; Hilo, the 7th & 8th; Waimea on the 9th and back to O'ahu the 10th - 25. For more information, eall Boyd Campbell, O'ahu liaison at 5325630. 8 - 10 Lā'au lapa'au conference, Mable Smythe auditorium, featuring traditional healers from Ni'ihau. The three-day program begins at 9 a.m. Participants include Emily and Patricio Licayan, Ku'ulei and John Ka'amoana, Elbert Kalihilihi Niau, Henry and Mililani Kanahele, and Maleka and Ula Kanahele. Subjects include; uses of maile honohono and pōpolo, afterbirth medicines, treatment for unnal and prostate infections, eommon medicines of Ni'ihau and lā'au kāhea. Cost is S60.Call Butch Richaids at 537-1941 or 677-3088. 10 7th annual Island Dance Festival, by Dances We Dance will open with "Voices of Freedom" directed by kumu hula Olana Ai and will feature Halau Hula Olana and the renowned Drill Team Hawai'i, performing a tribute to Martin Luther King. Neal Blaisdell Concert Hall, 7:30 p.m. Tickets available at NBC: S10 adults, S7 children, students, seniors and military. For more information, eall 537-2152. 11 Deadline for folk arts apprenticeship applieations, The State Foundation on Culture and Arts is
accepting applications for the SFCA Folk Arts Apprenticeship for FY 92/93. Apprenticeships offer advanced learning and involve intensive one-to-one study between a master traditional artist and an apprentice. These awards are available on a competitive basis and provide up to $3,000 to cover expenses such as master artist fees, supplies and limited u-avel costs. For applications and more information, eall 586-0302. Neighbor islands eall free 1-800468-4644 ext. 6-0302. 16 & 23 The 1 2th Annual Moloka'i Makahiki, at Kaunakakai Park and Manae Canoe Club. The traditional Hawaiian "time of peaee" celebration begins with the 'Auwana Skindiving Toumament, 7:30 a.m. on the 16th at Manae Canoe Club, east Moloka'i. Makahiki Games continue on the 23rd from 7:30 a.m. to sunset at Kaunakakai Park. Entertainment will include popular musical groups and food booths. Admission is free. Special guests will be a Tongan cultural contingent. For more information, eall 553-3688. 20 Opening of the state Legislature 23 8th Annual Ala Wai Canoe Challenge, promoting teamwork and friendship. A 1/4 mile fun race, followed by Hawaiian games. S500 to sponsor a eanoe team, a benefit for ihe Waikiki Community Center. 923-1802. Feb. 1 Spring 1993 Semester, Kamehameha Schools Continuing Education Program, begins eight-week evening courses. For information on classes and registration eall 842-8279 or 842-8297. Through Feb. 12 Treasures of Hawaiian History, continues at UH-Mānoa Art Gallery. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday to Friday; noon to 4 p.m. on Sundays. Closed Dec. 24 & 31. Parking weekdays $2, free on Sundays. Call 956-6888.