Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 1, 1 January 1993 — The importance of Operation ʻOhana [ARTICLE]
The importance of Operation ʻOhana
by Kimberiy Kay Kau Operatkm 'Oliana is an ancesuy enmilmeni project of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Edncation Divisk>n. It is a project of immense imponanee and urgency that goes far beyond mcrely cnroHing ail Hawaiians. Operation 'Ohana is a vehicie by whieh Hawaiiam will be able to elaim benefits, services, and federal entitiements. It is throngh the power of sheer numbers that any elaim to benefits wili be snbstantiated. The thrust of Operation 'Ohana is to identify and iocate Hawaiians who will be eligible to receive these benefits. StafTers Mana Kaina and Kimberly Kau are spearheadmg tbis project The first stage of Operation 'Ohana is enrollment, but OHA needs the kōkua of volunteers to aid in filling out the registratkm forms.Volunteers are an integral part of Operation 'Ohana. lf you would like to be a vo!unteer registrar for Operation 'Ohana, or if you are a registrar and have moved, please contact volunteer supervisor Elaine Tamashiroat 586-3752. The second stage is verification of Hawaiian ancestry cla3ms. Enroliees will be required to send in their documents. Those who are enrolled wili receive a membership card stating their Hawaiian ancestry. Operation 'Ohana builds on Hawaiian values and traditions, such as the 'ohana, the extended family, whieh is the backbone of our Hawaiian society. We turn to the 'ohana to assist in Operation 'Ohana, whieh provides all Hawaiians the opportunity to make a difference in shaping our future as lāhui, a people, by becoming active participants, rather than being passive bystanders. Every enrollment counts, so register now. For more information, please eall the Operation 'Ohana staff at 586-3754 or 586-375 1 .