Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 1, 1 January 1993 — Trustees accept new challenge at investiture [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Trustees accept new challenge at investiture
Editor's note: The Board of Trustees on Dec. 10 re-elected Clayton Hee Chairman of the Board and Ahraham Aiona ViceChair. by Jeff Clark The nine trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs were formally invested at Kawaiaha'o Church Dec. 4 in a ceremony that included prayer, chant and song. Kūpuna, mākua and 'ōpio and the community at large shared their mana'o on the trustees' role on behalf of the Hawaiian people. New trustees Klna'u Boyd Kamali'i and Samuel L. Kealoha, Jr. joined current trustees Abraham Aiona, Moanike'ala Akaka, Rowena Akaka, A. Frenchy DeSoto, Clayton H.W. Hee, Kamaki A. Kanahele III and Moses K. Keale, Sr. in the investiture. Chosen as the theme of the ceremony was a line from a traditional chant, "Māpu ka hanu o ka laua'e (Wafted is the breath of the laua'e fern)," whieh expresses one's readiness to take walk down a new path and aeeepi a challenge. The ceremony was attended by members of Hawaiian royal societies, representatives of state
government, legislators, family and friends of trustees and OHA staff. OHA culture officer Pikake Pelekai planned the ceremony with OHA culture specialist Manu'aikohana Boyd, who initiated the proceedings with a chant. Retiring trustee Thomas "Unele Tommy" K. Kaulukukui quoted author Sterling Silk, saying, "Leadership is a science, but it is also an art. ... We ean bake our bread, sew our clothes, and plow our ground with machines, but it takes a human being to be a leader, and great leadership requires a human being at his or her best." Leadership, Kaulukukui said, cannot be bought, conferred or inherited: "It is acquired only by the personal mastery of eaeh individual." Next, OHA staff members explained the meanings and significance of the nine hō'ailona or symbols arranged at the front of the church. The symbols were wai (fresh water), whieh nourishes and sustains life; kalo, the Hawaiian people's staple, whieh symbolizes mankind through our ancestor Hāloa; 'ulu (breadfruit), whieh represents inspiration (ho'oūlu) and growth (ulu); kukui (candlenut), whieh alludes
to light, enlightenment and knowledge; pa'akai (sea salt), whieh purifies and preserves; limu kala, a seaweed that offers healing, compassion and kala (forgiveness); pōhaku (stone), whieh symbolizes our foundation, our land; and the lehua blossom, whieh signifies a beloved friend, relative, or expert. In keeping with a tradition established at past investitures,
the trustees were given charges by representatives of three generations of Hawaiians: kūpuna (elders), mākua (adults or parents) and 'ōpio (youth). Kupuna Keonaona Davilla told the trustees to "handle with care - mālama pono" as they take action affecting the Hawaiian people. Judge Thomas Kaulukukui, Jr. told the trustees to listen and learn from those who have preceded them, and serve with both pride and humility. 'Aha 'Opio 1992 kia'āina (governor) Ka'ena Kawai reminded the trustees that the 'ōpio comprise half the
Hawaiian population and are "eapahle of accomplishing a great deal. ... Therefore we need your support from you trustees for guidance and inspiration. ... You must challenge us and guide us." This year, the trustees were given a fourth charge, whieh eame from a representative of the community at large. Hawai'i Calls Productions president William F. Bigelow told the trustees, "It would be in your very best interest to show ... positive leadership, based in understanding of past events and dedicated to a tempered and judicious handling of anticipated events." The nine trustees formally assumed office via the tying of the lei hulu (feather leis) made by Mary Louise Kekuewa and Paulette Kahalepuna. The lei hulu, symbols of OHA leadership, were primarily gold, the color of mamo feathers. The leis' four sections symbolize the trustees' four-year terms, and "ha," the Hawaiian word for four, also means "breath of life." "Today, eaeh trustee pledges and renews our bond and paramount duty to keep the trust of the Hawaiian people and to serve with compassion, generosity, and in a spirit of harmony," Board of Trustees Chairman Clayton Hee said when he took the podium and gave his address (see page 20). Hee admonished the state to begin making good on a promise to pay $112 million to OHA as a partial ceded lands settlement that was agreed on in early 1992. Hee said citizens of Hawai'i are affected because of the accumulating interest. The state "has chosen to delay payment at a cost of 10 percent to eonūnueā page 19
The trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs receive their lei hulu of office during investiture ceremonies held at Kawaiaha'o Church Dec. 4. photo by Pearl Page
Trustees assume office at Kawaiaha'o
all taxpayers, Hawaiian and nonHawaiians alike. More importantly, it has in the process denied nā kānaka the funds to move forward." Hee then went on to oulline some of the ways - including OHA's Education Foundation, revenue-generating land acquisition, and possible housing loans - that OHA would spend the funds. Noting the mutual respect and laulima, or cooperation, the realization of Hawaiian sovereignty will require, Hee said, "We, all citizens of Hawai'i and the Hawaiian people, must draw on our eommon strength and deep roots in Hawai'i to resist both a
fear or a laek of faith in our ability to truly do right by eaeh other. ... The success of our path will be measured by our ability to link arms not only with ourselves but with everyone." He also outlined a proposal for attaining sovereignty that would see Hawaiian delegates, elected by Hawaiians, to frame a constitution whieh would be presented to the community for input, amended to reflect that input, and then ratified. "Only then, with the approval of our people, shall the re-established aupuni be constructed. OHA will not decide our future. The people shall," Hee explained.
Hee said he looks forward to a time when "our future and its
successes or failures are ours alone. Then and only then shall
the Hawaiian people have accomplished the first steps towards self-determination." Haunani Apoliona, before singing "E Mau Ana Ka Ha'aheo (Enduring Pride)," read a message from Sen. Dan Inouye whieh said that although meeting the needs of OHA's beneftciaries "may seem daunting, I am sure we ean deal with any problem as long as we agree to work together." In words that seemed to sum up the mood of the ceremony, Apoliona added, "Let us move forward in this age. The dawn has indeed arrived."
The nine OHA trustees await their lei hulu of office at Kawaiaha'o Church. Photo by Pearl Page