Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 1, 1 January 1993 — Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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LEGACY \ ernice Pau»^

Forever Few organizations must deal with the concept of "forever" eaeh and every day. For Kamehameha Schools/ Bishop Estate that concept is built into ever>:thing we do. It is a goal whieh is difficult and enriching as we seek to fulfill the wishes of Bernice Pauahi Bishop. She founded KS/BE over 100 years ago, to educate Hawaiian children in perpetuity. That means forever. When she created her will in 1884, it was clear the Hawaiian people were in severe decline, with extinction mueh more than a remote possihility. Pauahi believed the ehiel reason behind this decline was the inability of Hawanans to deal with the swittly changing times of 19th centuiy Hawan and complexities of Westem civilization. lt was Pier dreanf that Kamehameha Schools would help change this forever. Today, the five trustees who carry out Pauahi s legacy are constantly eonfronted with the realities of perpetuity and forever. The estate's hnaneial iesources fund all of Kamehameha School programs and the trustees must ensure that those resources are available to educate Hawaiian children for as long as there are Hawaiian children. Thanks to Pauahi s foresight and her will, it is clear that Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate will be here for them and for their children. To educate generation after generation of Hawaiian children we constantly seek the appreciation of KS/BE assets. That is our job. Experience tells us the cost of education will continue to rise, because of evolving educational technologies, the ever-increasing spiral of inflation and our constant efforts to do more and more for Hawaiian youth. KS/BE is sometimes accused of not having a heart. Nothing could be less true. It is because we have the welfare of untold generations of ehildren at heart that we are managing our assets and cultivating our resources. These resources, if handled astutely, promise a better and brighter future for Hawaiian children. For most people, forever is an abstraction. At KS/BE it is our inspiration.

Kamehameha Schools/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estate KS/BE sponsors this eolumn in the interest of helping people understand its role and mission.