Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 1992 — Greens support Hawaiian issues [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Greens support Hawaiian issues

by Jeff CIark The Green Party is fielding 17 candidates statewide, all of whom ran unopposed in the primary election and will appear on the general election ballot. The Green Party is a founding member of the Aloha 'Aina Aeūon Congress. The Greens look to the aneienl Hawaiian mountains-to-the-sea ahupua'a system as an ideal way to relate to the environment,

said Linda Martin, state party co-chair and U.S. Senate candidate. A lot of what the Hawai'i Green Party is about is the old sustainable philosophy that the Hawaiians had, the whole philosophy of making the best use of the entire valley." Leaders should take into aeeounl how decisions will affect descendants seven generations down the line, whieh she said

is a value learned from Native Americans. "People don't even know that the Greens are more than just an environmental party," But the other three pillars of our platform ... are social justice, nonviolenee and grass-roots democracy, and they play equal parts." Martin said the Greens feel that "putting Hawaiians on their land as quickly as possible" is top priority. "It seems to me that one of the biggest false stumbling

blocks ... is this whole issue of in£rastructure. The idea that we can't use public funds to provide infrastructure is a fake argument, a phony argument, and whoever is making the decision is making it arbitrarily. The state has failed. The state fails every day on Hawaiian issues," Martin claims. The state and federal governments are slowly "exterminating" Native Hawaiians by legal means, Martin said.