Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 11, 1 November 1992 — Libertarian Party of Hawaiʻi [ARTICLE]
Libertarian Party of Hawaiʻi
by Lawrence R. Bartley, treasurer, Libertarian Party of Hawai'i Ka Wai Ola: How has the Libertarian Party of Hawai'i supported Hawaiian issues? By bringing attention to the proHawaiian movement through visitors such as Indian activist Russell Means #(Libertarian) and by official recognition of Hawaiian sovereignty through its naūonal and LPH platforms. The nauonal platfonn has called for the recognition of Native American (including Hawaiian) sovereignty since its ineepiion 20 years ago. The LPH also supports Hawaiian issues via active party members, such as Larry Bartley, forming and chairing the rights committee of the Kailua Neighborhood Board and organizing multi-ethnic grassroots support of sovereignty and land return through his Oct. 1, 1992 unani-mously-adopted Recognition of Hawaiian Sovereignty resolution. Multi-ethnic support for sovereignty will prove especially effective in convincing senators and representatives across the United States to support sovereignty. KWO: What are your plans for Hawaiian issues? To continue the struggle at neighborhood, state, and national levels for recognition of Hawaiian sovereignty and return of the ceded and homestead lands to Hawaiians.
The party will eonūnue to expose the current poliūeal establishment's (both state and federal) dependence on the subjugation of Nalive Hawaiians, their rights and their land. KWO: What would motivate Hawaiians to vote for your party? Ninety years of Democratic and Republican neglect and abuse. The power of these two parties has always been based upon who gets the use of the ceded and homestead lands — whieh belong to Hawaiians. They will never voluntarily give up their power ba.se, no matter what they say. Libertarians, on the other hand, have always supported return of land to Hawaiians. Hawaiians who recognize that protection of individuals' rights is the only valid function of government will vote Libertarian. Hawaiians who recognize that govemment has been the major violator of their rights will vote Libertarian. KWO: What concrete ways will your party support Hawaiian self-determi-nation, self-governance and restitution? The Libertarian Party of Hawai'i will support Hawaiian self-determination, self-govemance and restitution by continuing to eall attention to the violation of Hawaiians' rights by governmenL and by legislation for the recognition of sovereignty and retum of the land base. continued page 39