Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 1992 — He mau hanana A calendar of events [ARTICLE]
He mau hanana A calendar of events
November 1992 1 Bishop Museum Family Sunday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Call 847-3511 5-7 First World Hula Invitational Hula Festival, presented by the Moanalua Gardens Foundation at Blaisdell Arena. Participants will be judged on the qualitative expression of the 'olapa and ho'opa'a delivery in mele and overall Hawaiian appeal. Judges include Cy Bridges, Ed Collier, Rachel Kamakana, George Maile, Nathan Napoka, Ku'ulei Punua, George Nahope, Kalani Akana, Moses Keale and Sarah Quick. Monetary awards range from $1,000 to $5,000. Tickets available at Sears and Blaisdell Center, or eall 839-5334. 7 Ethnic Peaee in Hawai'i, a search for solutions sponsored by the Spark M. Matsunaga Institute for Peaee and held at Kaumakapili Church. The all-day workshop, costs $10 for luneh and materials. For more information, eall 956-4235. 10 Fishponds of Hawai'i, An exhibition featuring photographs, models and artifacts on how Hawaiians developed fishponds into a highly efficient food production system. Researched by arthor and artist, Carol Wyban and presented at the Bishop Museum's Kahili Room, Nov. 10 - Dec. 20. 11-15 Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs 33rd Annuai Convention, Kona Surf Hotel , Theme: 'Imi Na'auao; seek education, wisdom and knowledge. For more information, eall association president Jalna Keala, 586-3777. 12 Lecture: Bemice Pauahi Bishop, by Dr. George Kanahele, 7 - 8:30 p.m. .Kaumakapili Church, 766 N. King SL, Hon. Free. Call 842-8279. 14 Ho'olaulea, Continuous entertainment by Nalu, Pandanus Club and more, 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Kamehameha Schools' campus. Cost: $5 adults, $2 students. Call 842-8863 for more information. Wai'anae Poetry Reading, intemationally published Wai'anae poet Puanani Burgess and other poets of the Women's Support Group of the Wai'anae Coast will read at the multipuipose room of the Wai'anae Gym at 7 continued on page 35
He mau hanana from page 34 p.m. Free. Call Diane Kahanu, 696-7646. 16 Birthday of King Kalakaua, 'Iolani Palaee front steps, 1 1 :30 a.m. Free. 17 Hawaiian Medicine, A fascinating, one-hour talk on the plants and herbs used by Hawaiians for medicinal purposes yesterday and today, hosted by Kapi'olani Community College. Opportunity to try some of these remedies offered. Diamond Head Campus, Ohia Bldg„ Room 118, 7 pjn. Cost: $5. To register, eall 734-921 1. Tug Skippers, a program moderated by Capt. David Lyman 6 - 7:30 p.m. at the Hawai'i Maritime Center,
Pier 7 Honolulu Harbor. The event is free and there will be a field trip for participants on SaL, Nov. 21 from 9 - 11 a.m. Call 842-8279 for more information. 19 Kaho'olawe Conveyance Commission Repoit, a free lecture by Rodger Betts and Velma Santos, 7 - 8:30 p.m. at Parker Elementary School Cafetorium, 45-259 Waikalua Rd„ Kane'ohe. Repeats Nov. 20, 10 - 11:30 a.m. at Lunalilo Home, 501 Kekauluohi St. Call 8428270. 21 Ahahui La'au Lapa'au O Maui, a conference on traditional Hawaiian healing practices, Maui Comunity College, 9 a.m. - 4 pjn. Free to public. Call Keoki Sousa at 847-5146. Hula/music concert, The Kahauanu Lake Trio present Maiki, showcasing 42 kumu hula and 45 'olapa,
featured artists of Maiki's hula family, Kawaiahao Church, 5 p.m. Donation $15. Tickets available House of Music, Harry's Music Kahiko Florist and Quilts Hawai'i. 21 -22 Art in the Park/Island Arts & Crafts Festival, featuring Hawai'i's best artists & handicrafters, entertainment and food booths, Kapi'olani Park. Call 5330425. 27 Christmas with Aloha, The Waikiki Improvement Association sponsors the tree lighting and unveiling of the '92 Tutu whieh kicks off the Santa's Light Parade, 7 - 8:30 p.m„ Kalakaua Avenue. Call 923-1094. 28 Makeke, whieh means Market, is an annual fair sponsored by Kawaiahao Church. It features handcrafted items, Hawaiian country store with kukui nut products, preserves, produce, white elephant items, T-shirt, baked goods, malasadas and other food item. Call 522-1333.