Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 1992 — State House Candidate Profiles [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

State House Candidate Profiles

Rep. Dist 1 (Hamakua - N. Hilo) Marilyn Edwards (R) Qualifications: I am a 50-year-old motber of six and grandmotber of four. I was a

single mom for 18 years and worked while raising my children without welfare assistance. I have worked at various types of jobs, includI ing sales

clerk, secretary, grocery store checker, inventory control supervisor data processor, plywood assembly line worker, real estate agent and broker for one of the Big Five, and owner/brokerof my own firm.Goals in office: I would like to be counted as one of those in the history of Hawai'i that stood up for the belief of our state motto and acted accordingly. I believe there is still hope. We as a nation still have the best system of govemment in the world. The original constitution was established to operate as a governing body of the people, by the people, and for the people. By "people," it means all people. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: One of the most pressing problems facing Hawaiians today are laek of homes, and no hope for immediate help. Until the Hawaiian Home Lands issue gets straightened oul, another way the affordable land problem could be solved is to implement the following: a) State land ean be used to create residential lots. b) These lots are sold at the cost of the infrastructure. e) Lots are fee simple and buyers must be at least 18 years of age. Either bom here or lived here for 10 years. d) Buyers will only be allowed to participate onee in their hfetime. As a lot owner you may either build a home for yourself, build a home as a rental unit or leave it vacanL e) Lottery system. You may sell the lot if you choose but the buyer must meet one of the two requirements. This creates a system of real estate that is affordable to loeal people, and yet does not eliminate kama'ainas. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: The easiest way to make Congress recognize that Hawai'i is serious is to make sure your representatives in Washington, D.C. are representing the issues you want represented. Put term limits on all politicians also. No statement was received from the following candidates. Lynn Nakkim (G) •Dwight Y. Takamine (D) Rep. DisL 4 (Puna - Ka'u) Roger Evans (R) Robert N. Herkes (D) Qualifications: I am a third-generation

Big Islander. My three sons and their families live in Hawai'i. My private sector experience has been primarily in the visitor industry serving as

state president of the Hawai'i Hotel Association and holding numerous positions in the industry on O'ahu and Hawai'i. In the public sector, I have served as a member of the Hawai'i County Poliee Commission, the Liquor Adjudication Board, the Hawai'i County Council and a member of the Hawai'i State Senate. Goals in office: As a representative of Puna/Ka'u I would work towards better roads for Puna, meaningful eeonomie opportunities for those in the district, improved recreation and education facihties for our children, control of crime, promotion of diversified agricultural crops, and preservation of our rural way of life. As a long time hotel man I recognize the need to provide our loeal people with better opportunities in the hoiel business. We have lost mueh of the spirit in the visitor industry that made it a success in the earlier years. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians: The Legislature needs to face up to the problems of distribution of Hawaiian Home Lands and the control by Hawaiians over their lands. The preservation of historic sites, preservation of the language and culture, health and education of Hawaiians, and meaningful eeonomie opportunities for Hawaiians are things that I feel deeply about. I am not Hawaiian but I have a lifetime of living in Hawai'i that has given me a feeling for the people and their needs. A haole cannot have the same feeling for the land that Native Hawaiians have but I will follow the lead of responsible Hawaiian leaders in the legislature and OHA. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: I have reviewed mueh of the Legislation that OHA has presented to congressional leaders. I will support that legislation in any way that I ean. Kristine Kubat (G) Qualiflcations: Three years ago I became concerned about the impacts of geothermal development and began lobbying the state government to resolve the issues. Over the years I have learned enough about government to feel comfortable with the process and confident that I ean use it to promote changes that are important to me and the many people I have met along the way. I have been appointed to Hawai'i County's Energy Advisory Commission and the electric company's Citizen's Advisory Group. I think both of these appointments are an acknowledgement that my participation has been meaningful. I would say my qualifications are my experience with state government, my connections with a statewide network involved in grass-roots issues, including many Native Hawaiians, and a proven commiunent to participate to the fullest in those processes that will resolve the issues at hand. Goals in office: I am a member of the newly formed Green Party so getting elected will be quite an accomphshment. The presence of Greens in state government will be significant. I want to raise awareness about many issues. Because public funds are likely to be sparse next session I think the focus will be on issues rather than expenditures. This will be good for Native Hawaians because there

are so many issues related to the overthrow of the monarchy that need to be addressed. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: Self-determination. I feel the only proper thing for me to do as a non-Hawaiian is to intfoduce a resolution that would apologize publicly to the Hawaiians for the way they have been treated, admitting that the government here was overthrown illegally, and after that get out of that way. Self-determina-tion means Hawaiians decide for themselves. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: I support the idea of sovereignty, and would hope it would take the federal and state government out of the way. I don't like the idea that these governments are trustees for the Hawaiians, it implies that Hawaiians are ineapahle and perpetuates the imperialistic attitudes that were used lo justify the overthrow of the Hawaiian culture. Rep. Dist. 5 (Kailua-Kona, S. Kona) Walter C. Decker (R) Qualiflcations: Successful small-busi-ness man, creator of jobs, community leader, combat veteran, engineer. What I am not: trial lawyer, special interest group, career politician, union leader. GoaIs in office: Reduce spending, reduce

taxes, reduce cost of living. Most pressing problem f a e i n g Ha waiians t o d a y : Housing, low paying jobs. My solution is to create bet-

ter jobs, better education, help them get their land. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: Whatever is necessary to get it done. •Virginia Isbell (D) No statement was received from candidate. Rep. Dist 6 (North Kona, South Kohala) Eddie Akana (D) Qualifications: My eommon sense, honesty and the ability to work with people. Goals in office: To plaee all eligible

Hawaiians on H a w a i i a n homestead land and assist them to develop this land. Most pressing problem f a e i n g Hawaiians today: The

most pressing problem facing the Hawaiians is the need for infrastructure for their lands. My solution would be the Hawaiians' receiving all back rents from military properties, ceded lands and all Hawaiian-owned lands. Onhe federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: To give Hawaiians the right to sue Congress and the state of Hawai'i for failure to fulftll the trust responsibilities to Native Hawaiians.

•Mike 0'Kieffe (R) Candidate's statement was not received in time for publication. Rep. Dist. 7 (West Maui, Moloka'i, Lana'i) •Roz Baker (D) No statement was received from candidate. Gene Viglione (R) Qualifications: Resident of Maui since 1985. Chairman, Valley Isle Motors; president, Marriott Luau; vice president, Global Travel; vice president South Maui Times; vice president, 2 1 st Century Media. Member, Chamber of Commerce, Better Business Bureau, National Federation of Independent Businesses. Active in Republican Party, Maui Rotary, director of Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Maui United Way, Gideons International, Nature Conservancy of Hawaii, Pacific and Asian Affairs Council. Veteran of the Korean conflict, member of American Legion AA Nakoa Post 58; as well as numerous other community organizations. Goals in office: Less government regulation, more affordable housing, better quality education, improved roads and infrastructure, protecting the environment, increased employment opportunities, lower taxes and a better future for you and your children. Legislators are supposed to be servants of the people, not served by the people. When elected, I will refuse my state salary and all the unneeessary perks. When elected I will have personal 24-hour phone access for Maui, Moloka'i and Lana'i and a permanent office in Kaunakakai and Lahaina. I am a man for all the people and not obligated to any special interest groups or pohheal action committees. Most pressing problem facing Native Hawaiians today: Hawaiian Home Lands. Let the Hawaiian people develop their home lands without any state, loeal or federal restrictions or codes. Give them assistance as requested. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: Press the issue to carry out federal trust responsibility. Rep. Dist. 8 (Ma'alaea, Waihe'e, Kapalua) Foster M. Hull (R) Qualifications: I am a businessman and have lived in the 8th House district for 20 years. I am a Guardian for the National Federation of Independent Business. I'm on the Governor's Small Business

A d v i s o r y Council and I have been endorsed by Pay Checks Hawai'i for my stand in supporting business. Our state government should

be run like a business and I am qualified in this field. Goals in office: I would like to see the size of state government shrink considerably. This could be done through attrition, continued on page 21

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Hull, from page 20 with the number of state employees being capped at 15 to 20 percent less than what we now have. Control of schools and hospitals should be at the community level and should be adequately maintained and funded. I would like to do away with the state Land Use Commission, as it is redundant to the county controls that are in plaee and just causes one more delay in the permit system. I would like to have the general excise tax removed from groceries, medical treatment and prescription drugs. I would like to organize a state investigative team to cut government waste and spending and consequently lower all of our taxes. Most pressing problem facing Native Hawaiians today: I feel that the job market could be a problem facing the Hawaiian people. We need to reinstill the values of what made Hawai'i what it is today, namely the Hawaiian people and the "aloha" that has diminished. The future of Hawai'i lies with the Hawaiian people and their retum to the forefront in our hotels, resorts, businesses and international relations. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: If our govemor and our Legislature backed the Hawaiian people in the effort to have the federal government recognize their trust responsibility to the Native Hawaiian, our federal government would then comply. Our state Legislature should also back Hawaiian sovereignty and restore the pride and dignity to the Hawaiian people. •Joseph M. Souki (D) Qualifications: Charter commissioner for County of Maui, 1976; Constitutional Convention delegate, 1978; member of the state House of Representatives, 1982 to present; chairman of the House Finance Committee 1987 to present. Goals in office: penal reform — altematives to incarceration; lessen mandatory sentences, give judges more discretion; tort and insurance reform; lump sum budgeting for Department of Education where possible, give more authority to schools. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: Health — joint programs with the Office of Hawaiian Affairs to fund more health education programs; Education — coordinate with Bishop Estate and Office of Hawaiian Affairs to provide tutorial progams for elementary students of Hawaiian descent. Housing — Hawaiian Home Lands was funded 526 million by the state Legislature last session; monitor Hawaiian Homes to determine what they are doing with the appropriation. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: Write to our eongressmen to introduce a concurrent House/Senate resolution asking the federal govemment for just reparations. Rep. Dist. 10 (Pu'unene, Makawao) David M. Morihara (D) No statement was received from candidate. Dick Tuell (R) QuaIifications: Education — Colorado State University, Uniform School of Military Justice, Intemational Stockman's School, Dale Carnegie, Harvard School

of Business, marketing courses. Bom and raised in Yuma County, Colorado . Resident of Hawai'i since 1958, of Maui since 1960. U.S. Marine Corps 19575 9

Professional — Carnation Co. milling division, 1960-1984, various positions in sales and management ending as director of sales, Pacific basin. 2-L Enterprises, incorporated 1984-present, consulting, marketing, agriculture, Maui Jelly Factory, Maui Fudget and Ono Chocolates, Auctioneering Services, BearFoot Family Shoe Store. Political — Republican Party precinct president, Maui County Republican Party Chairman, Republican Party of Hawai'i executive committee; honorary delegate, Republican National Convention, 1988; victory 88, Maui County Chairman; Maui County Chair, Andy Poepoe for Congress, former lobbyist, Hawai'i state Legislature. Civic and community activities — Vestry member and treasurer, St. John's Episcopal Church, Kula; Makawao School, PTA, president, board member of Maui Jaycees," Maui Airport Lions Club, Maui 4-H Livestock Association, State Farm Fair Executive Committee, Maui Pork Producers Association, treasurer; Maui Cattlemen's Association, membership ehain Made in Maui Trade Council, marketing chair. Fundraising for: Maui Symphony; Maui United Way; March of Dimes; Montessori School; Haleakala School; Seabury Hall; St. Anthony Grade School; St. Anthony High School; Soroptimist Intemational; Mental Health Association; Maui, Moloka'i Kaua'i and state of Hawai'i 4-H Livestock Associations; Sacred Hearts School, Lahaina. Community activities: basketball and wrestling referee, Maui Interscholastic League; football eoaeh; rodeo announcer and pageant commissioner; member, Maui Farm Bureau and Maui Chamber of Commerce. Goals in office: Eeonomie development, home mle, lower taxes. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: Intemal agreement as to what do the Hawaiians need. On federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: Increase lobby on agreed matters. Rep. Dist 11 (Makena, Kihei) Avery Chumbley (D) Qualifications: Being one of the few individuals on Maui who has served in both a state-appointed position by the govemor and county-appointed position by the mayor at the same time, I feel this gives me the type of endorsements of proven leadership abilities that would be expected of a legislator. In addition, the numerous business and community service organizations that I currently play a leadership role in gives me an excellent pulse of the concems of our community. I have actively played a part in federal, state and county govemmental process

for many years. My current understanding of the system and its players would give the 1 lth District an advantage. Goals in office: I strongly believe in the values of social justice, and in order to achieve true social justice we must put people first! The biggest accomplishment I could have as a legislator is one in whieh citizen participation is heard as an effort of accomplishing a responsive and responsible govemment. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: Nearly 100 years after the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy, Hawaiians still remain without their native rights to land and water. We must rectify this injustice! In recent years attempts to bring light to the issues of Native Hawaiians has gained significant momentum. These efforts must move forward under the guidance of our state and federal govemments to the satisfaction of our Native Hawaiians. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: I was one of the fortunate few from Hawai'i who had the opportunity of being present at the eongressional hearing held by Sen. Akaka on the federal trust issue in Washington, D.C. I was appalled and extremely disappointed in the position of the United States government toward its obligations of tmst as set forth during the monarchy's overthrow. I feel a focus of effort must be placed on resolving this issue by our state government, and our current eongressidhal delegation must continue to demand answers as to why the years of neglect have taken plaee and what ean be done immediately to start rectifying this issue. Chris Halford (R) Qualifications: Bom, raised and educated in Hawai'i and as an independent small-business man on Maui for 15 years, I have an understanding and sensitivity to our complex multi-ethnic culture. My loyalties are to the people who have made a commitment to live on Maui. I have no political debts. My support comes from a wide variety of many individuals; none of my support comes from Honolulu-based organizations such as large corporations, unions, or political special interests Goals in office: My major concems are improving education in Hawai'i, stabilizing our economy through diversity and creating jobs, and bringing more decision-making from state central control to the counties. Many people and groups are poorly represented because of the concentration of power in the central authority. The people of the state of Hawai'i would be better served by democracy in state govemment instead of oligarchy, andby a two-party system in state govemment instead of a one-party system.Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: I feel that the Hawaiian community has not been well represented or fairly appreciated by our state government. The existing power stmcture seems to have a posture of keeping the Hawaiian community at bay rather than addressing their concerns. The Hawaiian community gets lots of lip service from the state and little meaningful solutions to their problems. I want to be an open door to the Hawaiian eommunity.On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: As one of 51 members of the state House I don't feel that I could

make the U.S. Congress or Administration do anything. However, I ean lobby and use my vote to encourage the state govemment to fulfill its obligations and responsibilities to the Hawaiians. For example, the Hawaiian Home Lands at Keokea and Kahikinui are in my 1 lth district. I will work to have the state fulfill its obligations to make the land available for home ownership. The state is far behind in providing housing opportunities on Hawaiian Home Lands. Rep. Dist 12 (E. Maui - N. Kaua'i) George Anderson (R) No statement was received from the eandidate. Paula Ishii-Morikami (D) Qualifications: I feel that my background and experience provide me with the neeessary skills to meet the unique challenge of serving this new legislative district. Having been bom and raised in Hawai 'i on the island of Kaua'i, I understand the changes that have occurred as well as the challenges we face, especially on the neighbor islands. Goals in office: I would want to make certain that the public education system is adequately funded. The success of our children is essential to the future of Hawai'i, and therefore the state must be willing to invest in our children's education. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: Hawaiians today face many of the same problems as the rest of the people of Hawai'i: laek of affordable housing, assuring decent heahh care services, adequate funding of the public education system. By addressing the eoncems of the Hawaiian people, the eoncems of the rest of the state are also addressed. But it must also be recognized that Hawaiians face unique problems. The ability of the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands and the Office of Hawaiian Affairs to adequately meet the needs of Hawaiian beneficiaries in a timely manner is a responsibility of the state govemment, as is promoting Hawaiian culture and language in the public education system. The importance of the ceded lands and sovereignty need to be recognized and addressed. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: I would work with our representatives and senators in Congress as well as with the various Hawaiian interest groups who have diligendy kept this issue alive. The ultimate goal would be to have the federal and state govemments recognize that the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians is a legimate issue Uiat must be addressed. Through recognizing this historic relationship, matters such as ceded lands, reparations, Kaho'olawe, and other issues of vital eoneem ean be raised. The Hawaiian people should also be provided adequate opportunity to raise these issues at the state level in order to make the rest of people of Hawai'i aware of the importance of these concems. Rep. Dist 15 (Kalama, Koko Head) Jaren Morgado Haneoek (R) Qualifications: I am a person who has observed the poliUeal process for years, continued on page 22


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botb from the inside and outside. I have served on the Hawai'i Kai neighborhood board and am currently an officer and director of the Kamiloiki Community 4ssociation.

More importantly, I am a husband, father and small businesman who has had to live with the decisions made by our somewhat arrogant and self-serving political representatives for over 35 years. Goals in office: I feel we must return government to the people. By this I mean an elected official must represent those who plaee him in office. We are a government "of the people" and the will of the majority must be acted upon. I will work toward lowering personal ineome taxes, eliminating the 4 percent tax on food and medical services and stimulate small business and diversified agriculture. I want to improve pubhc education by working to eliminate costly administrative duplication at the top and support schooiycommunity-based management in all schools. We must also increase teachers* salaries, making them commensurate with their qualificarions and abiliries. As a lifelong surfer, eanoe paddler, fisherman and outdoorsman, I will work tirelessly to preserve and enhanee our oceans, beaches and mountains. Most pressing problems facing Native Hawaiians today: Housing! Career opportuniries! Educarion! This is a very complex problem that eannol be solved as soon as most Hawaiian people would like. I would begin by working to restore ceded and some federal and state lands to a democrarically organized and elected Hawaiian eouneil. Revenues from this and a timely allocation of Hawaiian homestead lands would solve most of these problems. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: As a state representarive of a minority party, there is not mueh I will be able to do to niake my voice heard, other than to keep eonhnual pressure on the majority (including congressional delegates) to make sure that they live up to all trust agreements and unkept promises. In my opinion the Hawaiian people have not been well represented. •Dave Stegmaier (D) Candidate's statement was not received in time for publication. Rep. Dist. 16 (Niu - 'Aina Haina) Steve Boggs (D) Qualifications: My qualifications for elective office are that I care about my community, that I am willing to do what is necessary to help my community, and that I am educated in the fields of health care, financial planning and law. I also have experience as the president (three terms) of a state heahh care association. I pracriced chiropracric in Hawai'i for 12 years and am now a pracricing attorney emphasizing personal injury cases. I have owned my own business in Hawai'i since 1974. For six years, I was Gov.

Ariyoshi's liaison to the chiropractic community for Career Kokua and have also been involved with the Variety Club and Honolulu Marathon Clinic. Goals in office: The areas in whieh I would like to concentrate my effots while in the Legislature are educarion, women's rights, health care, infrastructure of our community and environmental concems. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: I am not as experienced or knowledgeable of the problems and concems facing the Hawaiians as I should be. All I know is what I have heard or read. However, I am open to sitting down and hstening to the Hawaiians' concerns and am willing to work closely with the representatives of the Hawaiian community and theLegislature. The most pressing problems facing Hawaiians appear to be laek of recognition and laek of financial resources. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: I would help make Congress and the Administrarion recognize and carry out the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians by working closely with our congressional delegarion and the Hawaiian community. •Gene Ward (R) Qualifications: I'm a product of the Kennedy era. 1 joined the Peaee Corps. I later entered the political arena having proved for myself that one person ean make a difference. For 12 years I was a partner with Dr. George Kanahele and became steeped in Hawaiiana and the eeonomie development for Hawaiians. In Hawai'i and overseas we have trained over 3,000 graduates to start their own businesses. Goals in office:First, we've got to ban the boondoggles: renovation of the Capitol; first-class travel; double retirement perks. Second, we must elean up House mles: allow committees to vote; allow floor amendments. Third, we must establish term limits. Fourth, establish conflict of interest laws and reform the housing and educational systems and diversify the economy. Most pressing probIem facing Hawaiians today: Housing, health, selfsufficiency and sovereignty are the most pressing. Eaeh Hawaiian should be eligible for a plot of land, and a house. The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands has attempted to do this, but has not succeeded largely because of laek of funds and political will on the part of the Legislature. If re-elected, I will conrinue to fight for streamlining the process of infrastructure. Eligible homesteaders should be provided plots within three years. Self-sufficiency and sovereignty: More self-sufficiency projects need to be encouraged. If re-elected, I would see that OHA's Revolving Loan Fund is expanded with more state involvement. Hawaiian sovereignty is inevitable. The Legislature needs advice from the Hawaiian community on this important issue after the entire Hawaiian eommunity has reached a general concensus. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: An apology to the Hawaiian people is necessary. I authored such an apology on behalf of the state government, whieh was later added to with breaches of trust from Rep. Peter Apo. I am prepared to back any other

legislation or lobbying with the federal government or elected officials that may be necessary to secure these rights for the Hawaiian people. Rep. Dist. 17 (Wai'alae - Maunalani) No statements were received from the following candidates. •Barbara Marumoto (R) James M. Pal!ett (D) Rep. Dist. 18 (Palolo - St. Louis - Kaimuki) Miehael G. (Big Mike) Paleie (R) Qualifications: Educated citizen possessing good judgement. History of involvement in business and community affairs. Goals in office: Retum power to people,

decentralize au thor i t y , especially in education. Most pressing problem f a e i n g H a w a i i a n s today: Laek of unity. Hawaiians

must put aside individual differences, egos, and work together for the good of alL What would you do to make Congress anei the Administration recognize and carry out the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians? Sue for enforcement of existing law. Lobby Congress and the Administration. The Repubhcan Party has a strong plank supporting Hawaiians. We intend to honor and support whatever the Hawaiians decide. •Calvin Say (D) Qualifications: I do not represent any single interest group but rather a broad spectrum of our community. I have served for 16 years as a state representative and have shouldered several major

burdens and responsibilities. From 1976 to 1980 I chaired the Committee on Culture and the Arts, where we addressed the Kaho'olawe

issue and the Hawaiian renaissance movement. During 1981-82, I chaired the Committee on Tourism. From 1983 through 1986, I chaired the Committee on Water, Land Use Development and Hawaiian Affairs. Since 1986 to the present time I have sat on numerous other committees as vice ehaiiman and have contributed in a very positive manner. Goals in office: To feel proud about giving one's self to public service for the betterment of our society. Extending our arms in the context of aloha spirit to all and sharing one's ki or mana'o to eaeh other. To know that you have made friends who are your true friends in time of need and not of poliueal ambitions or desires. Most pressing problem facing

Hawaiians today: The recognition of being proud to be Hawaiian: the awareness of who you are, one's self concept, one's self awareness of being Hawaiian in the perpetuation of the aloha spirit spoke through the breath of Pilahi Paki, the chants and hula of 'Iolani Luahine, and the counseling and education of Nana Veary. These beautiful people are the essence of a part of the Hawaiian culture, where there are many in the community who are giving of one's self to this awareness. I ean parricipate in trying to solve this problem, but the problem is a spiritual one, of one's individuality in relationship to nature. On the federal trust relationship to Native Hawaiians: Introduce a House concurrent resolution to reaffirm the Native Hawaiian Study Commisison Minority Report. Aso introduce a House Concurrent Resolution on the idea of proposing a major congress of all Hawaiian groups, getting together for ho'oponopono in affirming one's rights, self-determination, and sharing one's view on how best to carry on in getring the federal govemment to meet its trust responsibility to Narive Hawaiians. Rep. DLsL 19 (Diamond Head - Waikiki) Merrilea (Zabia) Dolle' (L) No statement was received from candidate. •Les Ihara, Jr. (D) No statement was received from candidate. Rep. Dist. 20 (McCully - Kaimuki) •David M. Hagino (D) Qualifications: I have served in the House for 14 years, the last two as chair of the committee on Water, Land Use and Hawaiian Affairs. In past sessions my committee chairmanships include Labor

a n d Employment Opportunities, H i g h e r Education and the Arts, and H u m a n S e r v i e e s . Recently the Sierra Club commended

my work īn the area of environmental protection. My training in law and my volunteer work with various community organizations contribute to my ability to serve in the Legislature. Goals in office: There is mueh to do in the area of educarion. In spite of the fact that the governor has made education a priority, test scores have declined. We need to do more. In the past session we began to address some of the claims settlement with Hawaiian organizations. There is still more to do. Unfortunately the Legislature may become even more fiscally conservarive. I hope to advocate for jusrice for Hawaiians if re-elected. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: The two most pressing problems are housing and education. We need to provide even more funds for Hawaiian Homes. In my two years as chair, we have increased the budget for continued on page 23

Jaren Haneoek

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Hagino, from page 18 Hawaiian Homes, but that is still inadequate. We must do more. In the area of education, we must prevail upon the Bishop Estate/Kamehameha Schools to do more in educating all Hawaiian ehildren. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: The state has done mueh to make the federal government aware. The problem lies in the ReaganBush administration. I do not know how mueh more we ean do, even with a change of administration. The point that I have tried for years to make is that we cannot wait for the federal government. This state is still not doing enough. My efforts will be concentrated on the state level. Robert Peters (R) Qualifications: I received my BA and MA degrees from Occidental College. Hawai'i has been my home for 30 years. I

am a former t e a e h e r : Kamehameha S e h o o 1 s , 1962-1965; P u n a h o u , 1965-1982; N a n a k u 1 i Higb, 19831 9 8 5; W indward Community

College, 1990. Former coordinator of the Wai'anae Coastline School Concerns Coalition, Wai'anae Neighborhood Board, and the Wai'anae Archeological Society. SoIe proprietor of the Hawai'i Game Sales and Tropical Sno Shave iee. Goals in office: Establish a state-imposed ceiling on property taxes of one to two percent of the assessed value of one's home. The state should get out of the house construction business and return marginal agricultural lands to the market for more affordable housing and rentals. I am an advocate of state lottery. The state's share of the profits should be earmarked for the educational needs of our schools, and the establishment of a longterm health care package for the elderly.Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: I am concemed about the education of Hawaiian children, the protection of native rights, proper management of ceded land trusts, and the promotion of Hawaiian culmre. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: Hawaiians are legally and morally entitled to mueh more than they are likely to receive from the state. The settlement between OHA and the state of $111.8 million for the ineome derived from the ceded land trusts is not enough. The Hawaiians deserve mueh more than apologies as both the state and the federal government have repeatedly breached their fiduciary respons,ibilities. I advocate political autonomy for the Hawaiians. The trust assets of the Hawaiian Home Lands and ceded lands should consolidate, thus placing the Hawaiians among the wealthiest people in the United States. The ineome from this consolidation would be used for the betterment of the conditions of the Native Hawaiians. Rep. Dist. 21 (Waikiki, Ala Wai)

•Duke Bainum (D) No statement was received from candidate. Alfred Nyle Roberts (L) Qualifications: I grew up a farm boy in Michigan, one of eight children.

Graduated from the University of Hawai'i at M a n o a . Worked in the computer field for over 20 years and am now a corporate officer at

a large locally-owned company. Goals in office: One of the things needed most in society today is clear moral values. In every segment of society we see corruption and everyone making their own rules. Respect. RespecL Respect for eaeh other without condition is the message and the basis of all decision that I will make as an elected leader of our community. The govemment has become our master. I will work to give the power back to the people. We must remember that the government is made up of people just like you and me. The only difference is that the government has power where we do nof I believe that the way to get to others is through the heart and not through conflict. We need to see things in the light of compassion, caring for others and lifting others up. All too often the govemment puts people down with their argument that the people are not eapahle of making decisions for themselves. Most pressing probiem facing Hawaiians today: All lands given to the Hawaiian people must be placed under the unconditional control of the Hawaiian people. I will sponsor or co-sponscff or do anything possible to see that this becomes our reality. To this day Hawai'i remains a plantation state. The only difference between now and yesterday is that we have different people and different groups in charge of the plantation. A small group contro!s our lives, controls our land and controls our future. We need to give the power back to the people by giving the people the choices needed to have happy and fulfilling lives. The time has eome to love thy neighbor. And if some just eannot get themselves to do that — then the least we must demand is that everyone respect their neighbor. Brett White (R) Qualifications: My most important qualification for the office I am seeking is my

I proven desire I and ability to view all publie policy issues in a pro-working class light, and to make decisions that will best serve the working

Goals in office: As a state representative, my most important goal will be to reduce the tax burden on the woiking people of Hawai'i. The general excise tax should be repealed on all food items and on all ser-

vices. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: The most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today is their apparent laek of unity and willingness to work under one umbrella organization. OHA should convene a blue ribbon panel composed of representatives from eaeh and every Hawaiian rights organization. The panel's charge should be to draft a joint declaration of eommon purpose. That declaration should serve as a road map to guide OHA in seeking financial justice for all Native Hawaiians. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: OHA should quickly form and fmance a $10 million litigation trust fund that would be used to force, through federal lawsuits, the Congress and the Administration to meet the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians. Rep. Dist 23 (Manoa) •Brian Taniguchi (D) No statement was received from candidate. Roger Lee Taylor (L) Qualifications: I arrived on O'ahu in 1981 and have lived on many parts of the island. I have worked as a math teacher at Hawai'i Loa College, UH Manoa, Kapi'olani Community College, Windward Community College and Honolulu Community College. I have traveled extensively and I have lived and worked with people from various cultures and backgrounds. I have been involved in loeal politics since joining the Libertarian Party of Hawai'i in 1985. 1 have a strong commitment to improving the quality of life here on O'ahu and in the world in general. Goals in office: I would like to see more diversification enter into the political decision-making process. The leaders of the state of Hawai'i need to move away from the plantation and patriarchal type of mentality that has been prevalent for too many years now. Recognition of the individual and of individual rights needs to be put in the forefront. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: People of Hawaiian ancestry need to be treated with respect by the political establishment. All too often the interests of the Hawaiian people have eome after the interests of "land owners," agricultural interests, and just about any other special interst group you ean think of. The solution to changing this way of doing things is not easy but moving in the direction of Hawaiian sovereignty and sovereignty for Hawaiian individuals would be a start. I would not support any legislation that would negatively impact individuals of Hawaiian ancestry and I would support legislation that grants to the Hawaiian people their right to pursue their native culture without the interference of state governmenL Rep. DisL 24 (Makiki • Tanfalus) David Fasi (R) Qualifications: David Fasi is the best qualified candidate. He spent seven years in our public school system. His opponenL Jim Shon, spent none. David started college as a sophomore (Harvard University allowed him to skip his freshman year) and graduated with honors in

economics. Shon majored in music education at Syracuse. David also received his MBA from UCLA and will receive his law degree from UH this

year. David is a kama'aina and has lived in Makiki for 30 years. Shon moved to Hawai'i in the mid-1970s, and moved into Makiki only months ago. David's business experience includes working for an import/export company and starting his own consulting firm. Shon has no business experience, and is rated one of the worst anti-business legislators in the state by the Small Business Hawai'i PAC. David's government experience includes serving as the administrative assistant to the vice-presi-dent of our state Senate for two years. GoaIs in office: David's main priorities include improving our educational system, providing more affordable housing and rentals, and diversifying the economy to provide meaningful jobs for our ehildren. At present our public schools are ranked near the bottom, we pay the highest housing proces (three times the national average) and the highest rentals, our cost of living is 38 percent higher than on the mainland, we pay the secondhighest taxes, and people who were born and raised here are being forced to move to the mainland because they can't afford to live here, including Native Hawaiians. Things have gotten steadily worse during Shon's eight years in office. Yet, he introduced a bill to increase his own state pension. Shon is looking out for his own pocketbook, not ours. David wants to bring an end to this anogance and greed in government. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: The most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today is their health, rated the worst in the country. David wants to allocate more funds to the Hawaiian people. Shon wants to allocate more funds to his own pension. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: David plans to be a strong advocate for the Hawaiian people, something that is currently lacking. •Jim Shon (D) Qualificatk>ns: I have been a state legislator since 1984; also a delegate to the 1978 Constitutional Convention whieh created OHA. Goals in office: To be a voice and an effective advocate for the elderly, teens, the homeless, the mentally ill, those with HĪV disease, and anyone else whose voice is not as strong as others. I have and will eoniinue to be an advocate for targeted Hawaiian health programs. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: Probably housing, since this hits every group. A close second is health, as the statistics are just atrocious. I was the author of a proposal continued on page 25

peopleof Hawai'i.

David Fasi

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Shon, from page 23 to transfer positions within DOH to the Office of Hawaiian Health. This was not complied with by DOH. There seems to be resistance to such targeting, even though there is a belief that existing programs are reaching many Hawaiians. I personally believe more leadership must be found in private organizations like OHA and Bishop Estate. I will continue to push for more primary care clinics and other outreach to the Hawaiian eommunity. What wouid you do to make Congress and the administration recognize and carry out the federal trust responsibiiity to Native Hawaiians? First, elect Bill Clinton. Second, re-elect our existing congressional delegation. Third, hold high-level discussions with the new administration.

Rep. Dist. 25 ( Kaka'ako - Ala Moana ) No statements were received from the following candidates: Wm. David Kaweka Atkinson (R) •Kenneth T. Hiraki (D) Jack Morse (G) Rep. Dist. 26 (Pauoa - Nu'uanu) Donna Akantara (R) Qualifications: I have lived in Hawai'i

tor over 2U years and for most of those years have worked in education. I am very eoncerned — sometimes alarmed — at the laek of true represen-

tative government in Hawai'i. 1 have community and professional experience. I've been married for 31 years, raised three children and have four grandchildren. After living in many other places, our family chose Hawai'i as our home. I care about this state and I will serve with an open mind and an open door. Goals in office: I am committed to bringing a new kind of leadership to the Legislature. One party has been in power too long and many have forgotten (or never knew) they were elected to represent and serve their constituents, not themselves. I will bring needed balance to the legislative process by speaking up and speaking out. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: I believe the issue responsible for most of the problems the Hawaiians, as a people, are facing today is the laek of control over their own des-

tiny. The homelands problem, poorer health than the rest of the state and fewer educational opportunities are symptoms of this larger problem. May I stress that many individual Hawaiians have excelled but have had to overcome many more obstacles than other ethnic groups in this state. The tools for solving these problems are already in plaee but needed to be implemented, e.g. infrastructure on Hawaiian lands and better education for Hawaiians of all ages. On the federal trust responslbility to Native Hawaiians: The federal government certainly deserves its fair share of the blame and must be held accountable. However, our state administration is the pot calling the kettle black. When the Democrats gained control of this state over 30 years ago they promised many continued on page 26

State House Candidate Profiles Alcantara, from page 25 things to Hawaiians. Not only have they not kept most of these promises but they have been guilty of many abuses of power and braches of fiduciary trust. The state must quit finger-pointing and carry out its obligation to the laws already on the books. •Rod Tam (D) No statement was received from candidate. Rep. Dist. 29 (Kalihi-Moanalua) •Emilio S. Aleon (D) No statement was received from candidate. Rob Santiago (R) Qualifications: Extensive background as an educator, community organizer and government worker. Familiar

with legislative process through working in office of City Councilman Gary Gill. Goals in office: Improve the quality of life for people in Hawai'i and especially in my district of Kalihi, Kapalama, Moanalua. Many of us are facing high housing costs and cost of living, and have to hold down two or more jobs. Our critical problems are not

being addressed because we have a legislature whieh is out of touch, out of ideas and full of stagnant leaders. We need new leadership and new ideas. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: The Democrats have betrayed the Hawaiian people by refusing to live up to their trust responsibilities. As a result, ihe housing crisis all of us face is even worse for Hawaiians, who have been kept off land whieh is rightfully theirs. We need more housing for Hawaiians, more land opened for Hawaiian housing, more resources eommitted to inffastructure on Hawaiian homes. We need to hold the Democrats accountable for their 30-year donothing spree at the expense of Native Hawaiians, and we need to stop the lies and empty promises before even more people die on the waiting lists. I will make a difference by standing up to the status quo power structure, the marriage between the Democratic administration and the land monopoly developers. This will result in more housing for all of Hawai'i's people, but especially the Native Hawaiians, who have become caretakers in their own land due to the failed policies and broken promises of the Democrats. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: As a Republican, I will pressure President Bush and the Administration to comply with federal responsibilities. However, it is a laek of state aeūon and leadership whieh has brought us to this sorry state today. It is not fair or honest to focus all blame on the federal govemment when it is the state whieh has dropped the ball for so long. Despite having controlled the state for 30 years, the leading Democrats would like Hawaiians to believe that it is the last four years under Bush whieh have hurt Hawaiians. Akamai Hawaiians will not be fooled! Rep. Dist. 32 ( Aliamanu - Salt Lake - 'Aiea ) Connie Chun (G) No statement was received from candidate. Sherrie M. Fessler (R) QuaIifications: My basic qualifications are those that

make any ciuzen qualitied to serve: I am a taxpayer, a mother and a concerned citizen with a deep love for Hawai'i and its people. The time has eome to move away from those public servants who elaim their best qualifieaūon is that they have been a part of the poliūeal system. continued on page 27

Stat@ candidate profiies

Fessler, frompage26 Very simply, the system has failed all the people of Hawai'i. Goals in ofīīce: I know that what is Hawaiian is what makes this state unique and that heritage must be preserved. As a legislator I want to do everything I ean to accomplish that. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: Housing and health. The most basic need for any family is the security of a roof over one's head. Ihe highest priority of state government should be to put forward the money for infrastructure to eliminate the waiting list for homelands. I beheve many of the social problems existing today will be solved when the Hawaiians have a plaee to eall home. In the area of health, Hawaiians have been impacted by Western diseases and need special health care programs and benefits. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: As a legislator I would do everything possible to urge Congress to recognize its responsibility as long as the state also honors its commitment. I feel the problems ean be solved more quickly in Hawai'i if the state appropriates the money to do the job. Len Pepper (D) Qualifications: Nearly 30 years of dedicated service to the people of Hawai'i. My most important qualifications

are a sensitivity to the needs of our community and a desire to restore government to its role as a mechaism by whieh everyone's needs are addressed. Goals in offfce: I would like to implement a package of reforms that would help make housing more affordable and would ensure that

none of our people go homeless. As a legislator I would also work to improve the health care programs available to Hawaiians. For our future, I would work to improve the physical and instructional quality of our schools. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: There are two great problems facing Hawaiians today. The first is unique to Hawaiians: I find it tragic that Hawaiians have the poorest health of any group in Hawai 'i. As a legislator I would work to implement legislation that would provide the money and services neeessary to ensure that Hawaiians receive the best possible medical preventive and treatment care. Second, Hawaiians are suffering from the exorbitant cost of housing. As noted above, I will work to implement a housing reform package. Additionally, I will use my office to woik with the relevant state agencies charged with the duty of putting Hawaiians back on their land. The land is there and it must be made available to Hawaiians mueh more rapidly. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: First, little progress ean be made until Congress acknowledges the wrongs that were done at the time of the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy. Hopefully, an official apology of the U.S. government, as sought by Sen. Akaka, will begin the healing process. On a specific level, I would encourage Congress to enact legislation to allow Native Hawaiians to bring private lawsuits for breaches of Section 5(f) of the Hawai'i Admission Act. On the state level, I would seek a legislative change to alter the statute of limitations to allow Native Hawaiians to seek redress for past violations of the trust requirements of the state constitution. Furthermore, I would work to enact legislation to allow Native Hawaiians to sue to enforce their rights under the Hawaiian Home Lands Trust. Rep. DisL 34 (Waimalu-Newtown) •David Ige (D) No statement was received from candidate. Monte Rae Parker (R) Quaiifications: I've been living in Hawai'i for 20 years. I grew up in a small farming lown of less than 1,000 people. My father and grandfather were in law enforce-

|ment. My great-grandmother was one of Seattle's first polieewomen. My mother's parents immigrated to the United States in 1901. My mother was first generation, and my brother and I are the second generation born in this country. Also, I'm a former ILWU member. Goals in office: Let's talk story! If we refer to our state as being a fruitful tree, then

ask this question: How do we save our tree? First, we prune the dead and dying branches and we elean away the debris. We muleh the soil, feed and water our tree, and we protect it from problems (you know, bugs, worms). And our result? We have a harvest of quality fruit. The fruit of our tree, our state, is the people of Hawai'i. So, how do we start saving our people? First we protect our tutu and kane, making certain that they don't lose their homes. We hold the line on taxes. And

we iebuild the school system from the bottom up or from the roof down. ... so our children ean leam. I got into this election for three reasons. The first was to ensure that the people of our district had a ehoiee with a twoparty system (that is our Constitutional right). The second reason is taxes, to protect the homes of our senior citizens. The third is the most difficult to resolve — education. I do have some of the answers. I'm not God, so I don't have all the answers. With His help and your help, I'm willing to fight for the rights of our neighborhood. Your rights and mine ... our rights to the 'aina ... I would like you to vote for me. I believe that it is most important that you VOTE. Rep. Dist. 35 (Pacific Palisades-Manana-Momilani) Joan Kenly Stebbins (R) Qualifications: I am well educated. I have a college degree from the University of Wisconsin (B.S. Psych.). I have been a radio commentator for KHVH continued on page 28

Monte Rae Parker

State House Candidate Profiles

Stebbins, from page 27 "Viewpoint" for seven years. In that capacity I have researched many issues. I know the statistics needed to evaluate the needs. I am a board member of many organizations in town: Family Peaee Center, Hawai'i Council of Churches, Hawai'i Eeumenieal Housing Corp., American Association of University Women (Hawai'i Pacific Division), Institute for Human Services (Peanut Butter Ministry). I am a member of Education Task Force, C of C; Coalition for Specialized Housing, Small Business Hawai'i, Neighborhood Board #21, two terms; City and County Child Protective Services Advisory Committee, past chair; Neighborhood Justice Center, mediator. Goals in office: I am very concemed with the fact that Hawai'i since statehood has always been controlled by only one party. For the first 30 years we were controlled by the Republican Party. Since then we have been totally controlled by the Democratic Party. We have never let the democratic process work here. That needs to happen now. We need to change priorities and set new goals that will meet today's needs. That will

take new faces, faces not controlled by "the maehine." We need to remove the many roadblocks thrown by state government to keep Hawai'i's small businesses from growing. We need to completely change our way of educating Hawai'i's children. (See Dean John Dolly's artiele in the Ocl 4 S tar-Bulletin & Advertiser ) Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: I believe the most important problems facing Hawaiians today are directly connected to the need for better education of Hawaiian children. Until the problem of public education is taken care of young Hawaiians will not be able to obtain better jobs. ... whieh ultimately would make housing more obtainable. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: There are lands (ceded) that have been inappropriately taken from Hawaiians ffom state government over the years. As a state legislator I would propose that the unjust seizure of land be righted. Congress has just publicly apologized but state government needs to make right some of their injustices. *Nobu Yonamine (D) Qualifications: My many years of woricing as a eommu-

nity organizer, a human services worker and administrator, and a public official demonstrate my concems. I am the son of immigrant parents who labored on a Maui plantation. After a public school education in Hawai'i, I worked 14 years in poor, racially-mixed neighborhoods in Chicago, Cleveland and Detroit. These experiences taught me the importance of culture, geography and history, that people need to control what is rightfully theirs. They taught me that needs ean be met by effective mobilization of the community and essential services ean be delivered through the enactment of legislation. Goals in office: Opportunities for jobs, education, housing and health services. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: Sovereignty is the essential, long-term goal, reachable in our lifetime. I strongly support the work to develop

mecnanisms ny wnien persons of Hawaiian ancestry ean achieve self-determina-tion and realize their goals and aspirations. The programs and needs presented by the Hawaiian community, such as development of land, housing, education, health and social services, agriculture and aquaculture, will receive my support. I will

also support budget proposals related to these needs presented by the department of the executive branch. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: The history of the Homes Commission Act of 1920 is a glaring example of a betrayed trust. The federal government has yet to acknowledge, let alone redress, this fact. To pursue Hawaiian Home Lands trust claims against the federal government, I support the work of the Office of State Planning and the Department of the Attomey General. I will also give my fullest eonsideration to any legislative proposals developed by govemmental and non-govemmental agencies and organizations. To ensure that Congress and the Administration recognized their trust responsibility, Native Hawaiians will need to eonūnue educational and organizing efforts, to eome to consensus on self-determination, including a sovereignty model and a political agenda to achieve it. Every resident of Hawai'i needs to understand and support this process whieh will mean fundamental changes in the govemance of Hawaiians. Rep. Dist. 38 (Waipi'o - Crestview - Mililani) •Sam Lee (D) Qualifications: I was bom and raised in Kalihi, attended Pu'uhale Elementary School and St. Louis High School, and eamed two master's degrees as weU as a Fulbright

scholarship to the University of Glasgow, Scotland. I was the first island-bom person to pass the Foreign Service examination, and I served 26 years in eight countries as a career U.S. diplomat before retuming to Hawai'i. Since my retirement, I have been active in my community, serving as chair of the

Mililani Neighborhood Board and subsequently as state representative for the last six years. Goals in office: I will concentrate my energies on issues of greatest imponanee to the people of my district. On education, I support school-community based management, innovative programs and better equipment. I will push hard for a library at Kanoelani, an intermediate school in Mililani Mauka, and a performing arts center for Central O'ahu. On traffice congestion, I will seek additional funding to continue the widening of Kamehameha Highway. I support mass transit because people are moving to Central O'ahu and Kapolei. Mililani now has two house districts and will have a third in 2001. On housing I support affordable rentals to bring down the high cost of living. We must invest in our major industry, tourism, but also diversify our eeoncontinued on page 29

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Lee from page 28 omy. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: The most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today is education. Without education, Hawaiians (and, indeed, anyone else) will not do well on tbe job market. The second problem facing Hawaiians is health. The state and all non-profit agencies have to work together to bring education to the Hawaiians. The outreach programs of the Kamehameha Schools are an excellent example of such cooperation. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: The state is already beginning to make a case for the federal govemment to fulfill its trust responsibility. The state has done so by paying back rents. With its own record of adhering to its own trust responsibility, the state ean then press our Congressional delegation and the Administration to live up to what was promised and legislated so many years ago. Miehael K.W. Li (R) Qualifications: Since graduation from the University of Hawai'i with a doctoral

degree in chemistry, I have been in the business relating to the environmental and construction litigation. Throughout my career, I had served as

tbe chairman and president of the American Chemical Society, and am currently a member of the board of the Organization For Chinese Americans with chapters across the nation, and striving to attain equal treatment and protection for all Chinese Americans in the United States. Goals in office: Problems such as the highly inflated cost of living, traffic, education and environmental heallh have been around for the past 10 years, and ineffective band-aid solutions have been applied by the current Legislature. As your elected representative, I would like to accomplish the following: 1. Control government spending by ensuring maximum tax credit to every taxpayer. 2. Lower the cost of the basic necessities by implementing higher tax credits for food and medical expenses. 3. Reduce the cost of housing and reverse the traffic patterns through systematic reclassification of some outdated agricultural land for residential and commercial developments. 4. Prepare high school juniors and seniors for the work force or further education by implementing a work study program whieh involves participation among teachers, parents, students and the business community. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: The most pressing problem facing Hawaiiansis finding affordable shelter. As a foreign-born Chinese American who has always fought for faimess and equal treatment, I understand the frustrations Hawaiians face today. I would like to see more lands in the state of Hawai'i be allocated for the socially disadvantaged people. The temporary shelters will be used as a stepping stone while tbe Hawaiians are acquiring an occupational skill and pushing for the

development and assignment of their homestead lands. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: The U.S. Senate has just admitted the guilt of overthrowing the Hawaiian monarchy. It is time for reparation. As your elected representative, I will introduce a bill to the Legislature and ask the state of Hawai'i to press Congress for the release of Hawaiian lands now occupied by the military, and at the same time I would like to see Congress fund more social and eeonomie programs for the Native Hawaiians. Rep. Dist. 39 (\Iililani) No statements were received from the candidates: Ron S. Arakaki (R) Ron Menor (D) Rep. Dist. 41 ('Ewa Beach - 'Ewa - W'aipahu) Jeff Alexander (G) Qualifications: Grew up in 'Ewa Beach, have been in construction for 21 years, have gotten to know my district insideout. Goals in office: Lowering taxes, make truly affordable homes, restore initiative, preserve what's left of the Hawaiian heritage. Most pressing prob!em facing Native Hawaiians today: Acquiring their homestead land and sovereignty. It isn't a question of solving it, it's how to get other legislators to vote for it. Wrhat would you do to make Congress and the Administration recognize and carry out the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians? I would submit many legislative bills along with getting as mueh news coverage and publicity as possible. • Paul T. Oshiro (D) Qualifications: I am a lifelong resident of 'Ewa Beach, graduating from James

C a m p b e 1 1 High School in 1973. 1 then attended the University of Hawai'i at Manoa, focusing on the study of government and the legislative nrr>cp.ss orari-

uating in 1977 wilh a bachelor's degree in political science. Within our community, I have had the opportunity to serve as the chairperson of the 'Ewa Neighborhood Board #23 and as the vice-president of the 'Ewa Beach Community Association. In 1984, 1 was most fortunate to be elected to serve in the state House of Representatives. From 1987 to the present, I have chaired the House Transportation Committee. In this eapaeity, I have focused mueh of my effort toward the implementation of numerous highway, airport and harbor improvements throughout our state. GoaIs in office: My primary goal as a state representative has been to provide responsive representation for our area. Since first elected to the office in 1984, I have held "Community Hour" meetings on a monthly basis. These gatherings have provided a time when we ean "talk

story" and discuss issues of interest to all of us. An equally important commitment that I have held is to canvass our entire district eaeh and every year to personally visit the residents of our community. I pledge to continue my monthly "Community Hour" meetings and to annually canvass our district for as long as I am honored to serve in the state House of Representatives. Most pressing prob!em facing Hawaiians today: I feel the most pressing issue facing the Hawaiian community is the effective management of the Hawaiian Home Lands trust. Proper infrastructure and facilities must be provided to enable the prompt distribution and use of these lands by Native Hawaiians. I will continue to advocate for funding necessary at the state level to accelerate aeūon to address this eoneem. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: I will continue to strongly support efforts to mandate recogniticai by the United States Congress and Administration of its trust obligations to the Native Hawaiian people. Rep. Dist. 42 (Kunia - Makakilo - Waipahu) No statements were received from candidates: •Annelle Amaral (D) Pollyanna Casey (R) Rep. Dist. 43 (Nanakuli - Wai'anae) •Henry Haalilio Peters (D) QualificStions: I am seeking re-election from the 43rd district — Barbers Point, Honokai Hale, Nanakuli and Ma'ili. I've

been a member of the Legislature for 18 years and a member of all committees of the House. I have also held a number of leadership

positions, including Majority Leader and Speaker of the House. As a Native Hawaiian and a lifelong resident of the area, my roots in the community run deep and I care about what happens on the Leeward Coast and about the changes whieh affect the quality of life for us all. Goals in office: I would like to lower the cost of living in Hawai'i, making things more affordable for those of us who live here. One way to make this happen is to eliminate the excise tax on food and drugs for Hawai'i's residents. Since the Wai'anae-Nanakuli area is also a major homestead area, and other counties have eliminated property taxes for homestead lands, I would support similar efforts on O'ahu. I would also favor funding legislation to improve Hawaiian Home Lands. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: While other ethnic groups face tough eeonomie and social problems, Hawaiians seem to be the single group hardest hit by such problems as unemployment, substance abuse, homelessness and chronic health conditions. Over the long run I believe many of these conditions could be alleviated through comprehensive educational programs. These programs should incorporate eultural sensitivity with an emphasis on early education programs. To be successful,

families must also be welcomed into the school environment and not made to feel intrusive or ignorant about their participation. The result of academic success will be greater opportunities for Hawaiians to make healthier lifestyle choices. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: Hawai'i's congressional delegation, under the leadership of Senators Daniel Inouye and Daniel Akaka, has been very active in moving this issue forward on the national agenda. Also, the Democratic Party platform has acknowledged that the U.S. government should "recognize its trustee obligations to the inhabitants of Hawai'i in general, and to Native Hawaiians in particular." I would eonūnue to actively support our Democratic congressional team. Rory Horning (R) Qualifications: Seven-and-a-half years as an elected member of the Wai'anae Coast Neighborhood Board #24 (three years-present as ehainnan), member and chair of numerous community organizations, human service agency adminisnator (Kokua Mau Work Center) with 150 employees. Goals in office: Raise the standard of living of the residents of Hawai'i. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: Land ownership. Solved through education, legislation and cooperative resource development. On the federal trust responsibi!ity to Native Hawaiians: I favor lobbying in support of (it) and with the congressional delegation and the Administration. Rep. Dist. 44 (Wai'anae - Makaha) •Peter Apo (D) Qualifications: I stand on my record: the past chair of the Wai'anae Coast

Neighborhood Board, two years on the OHA Board of Trustees; 10 years as a state representative, the last five in leadership positions. I've aeeumu-

lated 15 years of public service experienee as well as an understanding of the process that contributes greatly to my effectiveness in representing the Wai'anae-Makaha community. Goals in office: To restore the public's confidence in their government. I believe this is the single most important issue before us requiring some massive reforms in governmental operations. Legislative reform will be at the top of my 1993-95 agenda, and I intend to provide leadership to bring the legislative process closer to the community. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: The attempt by the Bush administration to deny any trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians and to render the Hawaiian Homes Act as unconstitutional is the most pressing problem faced by Hawaiians today. The Republican Administration is aggressively pursuing the view that Native Hawaiians do not qualify as Native Americans and that Hawaiian entitlements constitute a social service program. If they succeed, all claims are extincontinued on page 30

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Apo, from page 29 guished. Concerted political and legal counteractions, not to mention a new Washington administration, are essential to clearly resolving this unfortunate situation and major obstacle. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: I would continue to strongly support the ongoing efforts of the govemor and Hawai'i congressional delegation to get both Congress and the president to first acknowledge Native Hawaiians as Native Americans and then immediately begin addressing longstanding claims and tmst responsibilities. Mike Mixell (R) Qualifications: My qualifications for elective office are: I am a college gradu-

I ate in political science with an M.A and a B.A„ a member of Wai'anae Neighborhood Board, a nominee for teacher of the vear, past

president of a teacher's association, a recipient of the Eisenhower Award for contribution to intemational understanding and a founder of Wai'anae Share-A-Ride and Adopt-A-Highway. Goals in office: I would like to end Wai'anae being the forgotten district and improve education in our schools. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: We must improve self-esteem among Hawaiians and allow Hawaiians lo pursue their cultural identity. I would solve the problem by allowing Hawaiians to take charge of their own affairs. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: Congress and the Administration must recognize and carry out the federal trust responsibilities to Native Hawaiians by immediately tuming all monies and lands over to the elected representatives of the Hawaiian people. This would allow the Hawaiian people to be placed on the land immediately and give them the power to supervise their own affairs. This then would create the esteem and encourage Hawaiians to understand the proud cultural heritage they share. I do not just plaee the responsibility on the federal government but (also on) the state government of Hawai'i. Rep. DisL 46 (La'ie - Waiahole) Ululani Bierne (D) No statement was received from candidate. Colleen Meyer (R) Qualifications: I was bom and raised in Hawai'i and I love Hawai'i. I was educated at Punahou and the College of San Mateo in California. I am a successful business person and have experience in accounting, budgeting and constmction. I am a clear-thinking, open-minded and decisive person with a strong commitment to serve the voters of my district in the House of Representatives. I believe the people of this state will be better served when we attain some halanee in the Legislature and stop being a one-party state.

Goals in office: Repeal the 4 percent tax on food, drugs, and medical services. State ineome tax brackets adjusted so that low and medium-low ineome earners would not be so heavily taxed. I would like to see tax incentives for new businesses to better their ehanee of succeeding and encourage new businesses to eome to Hawai'i. I want to see that government procedures are carried out in the open. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: For Hawaiians, as well as all persons in Hawai'i, the cost of living is the most pressing problem. But for Hawaiians specifically there is an identity crisis. The Hawaiian people yeam for respect — respect that they well should have. The bottom line is that all people want and deserve respecL I believe one of the greatest problems facing the Hawaiians is the laek of a strong, sensitive, respectful leadership. Many of those who have risen to lead are confrontational and negative and help to create divisiveness within the Hawaiian community. What I would do about it: I would encourage differing groups to eome together in the presence of mediators. The mediators would set the ground rules and control the meeting. More would get accomplished and issues could be more easily identified. I believe in time a peaceful and unified direction toward Hawaiian values and rights will be arrived af a solution that all Hawaiians ean agree with. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: I would research what has been done, what legislation our congressional members have put forth over the last 30 years, what happened to the legislation, and on what grounds it was defeated or never presented. I would write letters to our senators and congress persons as well as other key members of Congress to put pressure on them to readdress this issue. Rep. DisL 47 (Kahalu'u - Kane'ohe) Herb Goeas (R) Qualifications: My many years of business experience and community service

in the state cf Hawai'i have given me e x e e 1 1 e n t insight into the needs of the people of H a w a i ' i . Government is big business and needs

experienced business people to mn it. Goals in office: I want to be a voice, not an eeho, in our community. Traffic: Enough is enough! This problem has been growing for a long time. Government spending: Waste in state government must be stopped and extravagant spending firmly controlled. We must stop govemment from needless expansion. Taxes: The pyramid effect of general excise taxes must be stopped. I will push for legislation to lower taxes whieh ean reduce the prices we charge our customers. Housing: Affordable homes are not available to young families. Many are forced to live with parents or leave Hawai'i. We need to relieve mueh of the

necessary cost directly resulting from govemment. Business: It's time to give incentives to companies that create jobs in Hawai'i. The current system discourages companies from investing in our future. Healthy businesses build our state economy and provide jobs for our people. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: All Hawaiians should be given land and funds to help build their own homes now. Talk is eheap and action is needed to solve this most pressing problem of our Hawaiian people. All leasehold land sales profits should not be used to buy shopping centers and other investments but given over to develop Hawaiian Home Lands so that building roads, homes and parks will become a reality. The Hawaiians need their land and homes now! On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: I would give strong support to any legislation that would give our Native Hawaiians their land and homes now. It is a long-overdue responsibility of our state govemment. We have the land and money to carry this out. •Terrance Tom (D) No statement was received from candidate. Rep. Dist 48 (Kane'ohe) •Marshall lge (D) Qualifications: Raised in Kane'ohe. Atiended area schoois: Benjamin Parker Elementary School, S.W. King Intermediate School, Damien Memorial High School (Honolulu), Windward Community College, University of Hawai'i/Manoa (Bachelor of Education). Belongs to advisory boards: Pohai Nani Good Samaritan Kauhale - Kane'ohe, Windward Civilian/Military Affairs Council - Kane'ohe Marine Corps Air Station, Straub Geriatric Health Services - Honolulu, Honolulu Gerontology Program - Honolulu. Goals in office: Make education Hawai'i's number-one priority. Given the downtum in state revenues, this will be the Legislature that will have the greatest impact on public education during this decade. I will continue to speak out for quality education. Raised in Kane'ohe, I have leamed this is the key to a healthy, prosperous and caring community. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: Laek of quality health and education for children of Hawaiian ancestry. During these times of fiscal uncertainty, I will continue to support existing and additional community-based programs that target and provide services to all children of this category. A healthy, well-educated community will be the key to our success. William Barry Murphy (R) Qualifications: I feel that my work expe-

rience and e d u e a t i o n qualify me for public office, particularly when eombinedwith my long and pleasanl relationshipwith H a w a i ' i

where I first arrived before World War II, watching it grow from about 200,000 populahon to more than a million. My 17year marriage to the late Moana Peterson of a kama'aina family gave mueh insight into the Hawaiian lifestyle. My education includes a B.A. from the University of Hawai'i, and an M.A. and Ph.D. from Pacific Western University in Los Angeles. My frrst career was 24 years in broadcasting here (KGMB and the old KPOA) and on the mainland. Starting on mike, I worked up to ownership and management. I bought a run-down station in the Portland-Vancouver area, and sold it for a profit. Returning to Hawai'i for my second career, I was chief of public afairs for Hiekam Air Force Base for 20 years until I retired. During this time I was elected president of loeal chapters of the Ameiiean Lung Association and Reserve Officers Association of America; and treasurer of the Public Relations Association here. Adding to the executive and leadership experience I obtained in my civilian careers is more that I gained in the U.S. Navy and Naval Reserve. In World War II, after serving in the South Pacific, I spent a year as Director of Information for the Commandant, 14th Naval District at Pearl Harbor. I retired as a lieutenant eommander after 26 years as a Naval officer. Since retiring I have done free-lance writing and volunteer work. Goals in office: I would support: Hawaiian rights; women's rights; education; initiative, referendum and recall; term limitation; business, where jobs and paychecks are created; law and order; and moderate environmentalism. Most pressing prob!em facing Native Hawaiians today: I'd like to work with OHA and other Hawaiian leaders to put priorities and their problems. Education being one, we should find incentives to encourage young Hawaiians to learn. On federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: I don't think state legislators have any more influence in Washington than any other citizen and voter. The right people for this are our Congressional delegation. Rep. Dist. 49 (Mokapu - Kailua) Kamaka Clark-Miyamoto (D) Qualifications: My service on the board of directors and the political action eommittees of the HGEA and the HSTA have groomed me for this tremendous opportunity to serve. I will attend the Democratic House caucuses and will have a say in the selection of the Speaker of the House, and in the committee assignments. I feel that I answer a need for that, whieh is lacking in government today. Goals in office: I would restrict the use of ohana zoning to immediate family and relatives. The living quarters would be attached to the main house but would be totally self-contained with its own toilet and kitchen facilities. Education is the key to our future. I support school/com-munity-based management. It will give the schools more autonomy. The environment is directly related to our good health and well-being. Preserving Hawai'i's natural beauty ean be accomplished through education and changing lifestyles. We continued on page 31

State House Candidate Profiles

Clark-Miyamoto, from page 30 need to repair and modemize the sewage system to increased capacity. Nursing homes and long-term care for the elderly must be affordable for the people they are supposed to help. Hawaiian land issues and entitlements will be dealt with by the next legislative session. Who better than a Hawaiian to work for our needs and interests? Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: There is too mueh infighting. Together we need to develop a shared vision, a vision that incorporates our language, our food, ho'oponopono, the use of herbs and utilizes our knowledge of the environment to our everyday lives. Our strength begins with the 'ohana. The closer the family, the stronger the child, the healthier the adult. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: I would encourage a comprehensive effort in Washington, both politically and legally, to secure just treatment. Amenea does have an obligation to the Hawaiian people. •Cynthia Thielen (R) Qualifications: I'm an environmental and land use attorney and have worked

| with eommunity groups throughout the state to pres e r v e H aw ai ' i ' s 'aina and heritage. As the volunteer lawyer work1 ing with the

P r o t e e t Kaho'olawe 'Ohana, together we gained access to Kaho'olawe in 1981 for religious and scientific purposes and succeeded in having the island placed on the National Register of Historic Places. My legisladve record shows my commitment to protect our environment, and I've 'oeen endorsed by the Hawai'i Coalition of Conservation Voters and the Sierra Club, Hawai'i Chapter. Goals in office: Improve education and cut back the cost of living so our young people stop leaving Hawai'i. As a member of the Kainalu Elementary School-Community-based Management eouneil, I am working to give more authority to the loeal schools. We must give teachers the equipment and supplies they need to teach and keep our schools in decent eondition. I consistently voted against unneeessary projects that take money from education, like the upscale Capitol renovation project. I want to eliminate unnecessary and excessive spending to leave our residents with some take-home pay. Legislation must help people, not waste money. We should not use taxpayers' dollars to pay for hot air balloons on Maui or for the excessively expensive Hilo courthouse. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: Housing and health. As a member of the Water, Land Use and Hawaiian Affairs Committee, I worked to provide investment capital and infrastructure improvement for Hawaiian Homelands. As part of reparations for Hawaiians, we should consider ways to use some of the federal funds to create housing. The Wai'anae Coast Comprehensive Health Center has developed a traditional diet whieh significantly

improves Hawaiian participants' health. I want to expand this project to all the islands. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: I successfully represented the Office of Hawaiian Affairs in federal court litigation whieh clarified the expanded rights of Native Hawaiians under Section 5(f) of the Admission Act. I wUl continue to support legislation and resolutions recognizing the federal trust responsibility owed to Native Hawaiians, and the separate obligation Hawai'i owes to Hawaiians and Native Hawaiians. Rep. Dist. 50 (Maunawili - Enchanted Lake) Christy Kawabata (R) Qualifications: My qualifications for elective office include business experienee and 20 years of continuous eommunitv service.

from a state commissioner's position to chairing several child abuse projects. My sons are Hawai'i public school graduates, now on schol-

arships at USC and Washington State University. My daughter attends Maunawili School. Over the past 10 years, I have spent countless hours at the state Capitol addressing the issues whieh have caused the horrendous increase in our cost of living. I have successfully manageo to live within my personal and business budgets through the years and I believe this is the way we should be running our state govemment. Goals in office: To enhanee and stimulate our youths' desire to leam. To improve the physical condition of schools where needed. And to develop an environment in the public schools whieh would encourage parents to play an active role in their children's learning process. School/Community-Based Management could be the means to accomplish this. The more interest parents show in their children's accomplishments, the more the child increases his/her enthusiasm for success. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: Poor education and self-esteem seem to be a problem. Hawaiians, generally, earn low wages. Many must hold two jobs to keep up. Some just give up and see themselves as failures. If parents see themselves as failures, they may be afraid to influence their children's education for fear of inadequacy. If the child thinks education is not important to the parents, he/she may not try. Without education, he/she will not eam mueh pay, and the cycle continues. A personal invitation to the parents from a person at the school could begin the process I described in the second question. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: I would encourage Native Hawaiians to unite and develop a plan defining how they will use the trust benefits. When the Hawaiian people speak with one voice, this trust responsibility must be honored.

Devon Nekoha (D) Qualifications: I am a graduate of Kailua High School and a member of the Kailua

I Neighborhood Board. I have a four-year degree in publie relations from Gonzaga University . Recently, I have worked in the senate I m a j o r i t y

office at the state Legislature. I feel my most important qualification is my willingness to listen and my determination to produce positive results for my community. Goals in office: I want to see goverment finally do things whieh will make the public really feel that it is responsive to their needs and concerns. People are frustrated that government is out of touch and too bureaucratic. As an elected leader, I think it is of the highest pricMĪty that we effect real change in govemment so people's confidence in the poliūeal system is restored. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: Hawaiian sovereignty is an issue whieh must be addressed by the community at large. What does it mean? What are its ramifications for Native Hawaiians? These are questions whieh both Hawaiians and nonHawaiians must deal with. Addressing thosg questions will bring into focus for both public officials and the community the many social, eeonomie and cultural handicaps Native Hawaiians face in modem society. The result of this will hopefully be greater participation in the polilieal process by Native Hawaiians; a more significant role for Native Hawaiians in determining their own political, social and eeonomie future; a new-found pride by all Native Hawaiians in their heritage. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: Our state should assist Native Hawaiians in advocating their cause before the Congress and the Administration. The federal government must be made to recognize that it has a trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians as an indigenous people whieh it has sorely neglected over the years. This has hampered the state's own efforts to address the needs of Native Hawaiians. Rep. Dist. 51 (Lanikai - Waimanalo) Eve Anderson (R) Qualifications: Over the years, I have participated on community committees,

|boards, and focus groups covering a wide range of issues. I enjoy working with people, and I believe very strongly in the people's right to know.

Goals in office: The legislative process must change to one that is open, above board, and user friendly for the people. So mueh at the Legislature goes on behind closed doors. Legislators are elected and paid a salary to represent the people, and they

spend our tax dollars. The process badly needs to be changed, and I want to be at the table to see that it is. Many issues are stalled and/or hidden in the system and don't get an appropriate hearing. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: All of their issues are important until they are discussed and solved — Hawaiian Home Lands issues, water rights issues, proper compensation for their lands used by others, the sovereignty issue, etc. These issues will only be solved when everyone understands the laws, the pros and cons of eaeh issue, and agrees to work with one another towards a solution. These issues must not be set aside for another day. They are today's issues to be solved today. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: The same answer as stated above would apply. If the original law is unconstitutional then corrections must be made, but it must not be appropriate to do nothing. Congress must lead and not hide behind excuses. We need to work very closely and openly with our congressional delegation and continue to push for action now. •Jackie Young (D) Qualifications: Prior to being elected for my first term in 1990, I was with the

Department of Education as state specialist for students with severe multiple handicaps, then later as project director for equal educalional oppor-

tunity programs. With both positions I was responsible for interpreting and implementing federal and state laws. I've also been active in the Democratic party at the precinct level and as chair of the Hawai'i Women's Polilieal Office. But the bottom line is that I am personally committed to work hard for the district. GoaIs in office: That at the end of my term I ean look back and know that eonditions in the state have gotten better, that schools have improved, that the homestead waiting list was reduced by 50 percent, that the water quality in our bays and beaches are safe for swimming, that the cost of living stabilized and that my actions did make a difference. Most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today: While housing, education and eeonomie self-sufficiency are clearly important issues, the unusually high incidence of heart disease, diabetes and cancer among Native Hawaiians is alarming. Native Hawaiians die at a younger age than any other ethnic group. Health education and access to culturally appropriate forms of health care is vital and I will initiate and support measures whieh open access to heahh care for Hawaiians. On the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians: The past session I strongly supoprted measures such as one whieh appropriated $350,000 for the state to pursue Hawaiian Home Lands trust claims against the federal government. Mueh work is still needed.