Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 11, 1 November 1992 — WHAT Has Dan Inouye [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Has Dan Inouye


He has worked hard for us, and during the last sixyears alone, he's delivered time and time again.

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: □ Senator Inouye has set up Revolving Loan Accounts to help get Native Hawaiianowned businesses off the ground. Funding: $5 million. □ Dan Inouye has been instrumental in restoring Native Hawaiian fishponds. To revitalize the Native Hawaiian Aquaculture Project in Maui County, he secured funding of $750,000. To restore ponds on Molokai, he secured $150,000. His goal: to promote Native Hawaiian self-sufficiency. EDDCATION: □ Senator Inouve arranged for $7.3 million in funds — administered by the Kamehameha Schools — to increase educational opportunjties for Native Hawaiian students through higher education scholarships.

□ To help improve literacy rates among Native Hawaiian children, the Senator secured over $2.5 million to fund the Model Curriculum Program of Kamehameha Elementarv Education Program. It is now being implemented in 10 public schools around the State. □ Senator Inouye helped sponsor the Gifted and Talented Program at University of Hawaii, Hilo. Its purpose is to tap the educational potential of elementary and secondary school students of Native Hawaiian ancestrv. Funding: $4 million. □ Dan Inouye's focus on better education for Native Hawaiians extends to rural Hawaii. Interdisciplinary Traineeships prepare students in outlying areas for various

disciplines, including primary care, nursing, mental heahh and pharmaceuticals. Set-aside funding: $5 million, a portion of whieh is used annuallv. □ Through the Senator's efforts, 11 family-based education centers provide infant heahh education services and pre-school programs for Native Hawaiian children. 24 "traveling pre-school vans" are an integral part of the program. Total funding: $15 million. I □ Dan Inouye knows the importance of Vocational and Continuing Adult Education in a fast-changing world. Alu Like, together with seven University of Hawaii Communitv Colleges, provides educational support services for vocational programs and academic counseling for students. Funding from 1988-1993* $13 million.

HEALĪH CARE: □ Dan Inouye obtained $6.2 million in funding for Native Hawaiian Health Care and Healing Centers, whieh are now established and operating on every major island. □ The Senator believes strongly in the Native Hawaiian Center for Excehence, whieh will be part of the University of Hawaii School of Medicine. Its purpose: to increase the recruitment and training of Native Hawaiian meelieal students. Funding is estimated at $500,000. □ Senator lnouye secured passage of the reauthorization of the Native Hawaiian Health Care Improvement Act for the next eight years. It provides for health promotion, disease prevention services and primary

health care services — the core of the Native Hawaiian Heahh Care Centers. HOUSING: □ Because of Dan's efforts, $6.1 million, since 1988, has been appropriated through the Department of Housing and Urban Development for infrastructure improvements on Hawaiian Home Lands. □ Another $1 million has been earmarked to investigate the problem of inadequate housing for Native Americans, including Native Hawaiians. □ Senator Inouye recently included a provision to insure that Native Hawaiians will receive their fair share of disaster relief funds for damage caused bv Hurricane Iniki. CULTURE & THE ARTS: □ Dan Inouye is a firm backer of the Native Hawaiian Culture and Arts Program at Bishop Museum. He is responsible for over $6.7 million in funding to help preserve the historical record of Native Hawaiian accomplishments. □ Senator Inouye has pushed for the strengthening of laws and enactment of further legislation that would protect Native Hawaiian Burial Sites. Funding for the repatriation of Hawaiian remains at the Mokapu site: Over $300,000. Gladys Brandt, former Chairperson of the University ofHawaii Board ofRegents, sums up Dan 's accomplishments for Native Hawaiians best of all: "Dan Inouye's support for Native Hawaiians comes from his heart. He is sincere in hisgoal of improving our quality of life through federally-funded health care, education andjob training programs. He's working hard togive our children a real ehanee at a better life." Dan Delivers ForNative Hawaiians! Paid for by Daniel K. Inouye in '92, Ahelina Madred Shaw. Treasurer, 909 Kapiolani Boulevard, Honolulu, HI 96814