Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 11, 1 November 1992 — OHA Candidate Profiles [ARTICLE]
OHA Candidate Profiles
by Deborah L. Ward As a service to its voting beneficiaries and candidates, Ka Wai Ola O OHA presents the following synopsis of tbe 19 candidates vying for four seats on the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Tnistees. There are eight candidates for one at-large seat (no residency requirement), three candidates for the single island of Hawai'i seat, two for the Kaua'i/Ni'ihau seat, and six candidates for the Moloka'i/Lana'i seat (these trustees must be residents of their island). Elected trustees will serve a four-year term to 1996. Three incumbent trustees are seeking re-election: Moses K. Keale, Sr. (Kaua'i/Ni'ihau), who has served
OHA as a trustee since its inception in 1980; Moanikeala Akaka (Hawai'i), who is seeking a third term; and Louis Hao (Moloka'i) who is running for the at-large seat of another original OHA trustee, Thomas K. Kaulukukui, Sr. Kaulukukui is not seeking re-elee-tion after serving three terms. Candidates were asked to submit a 350-word statement to Ka Wai Ola on their qualifications for office, goals if elected, and their responses to three questions: "What do you feel is the most pressing problem facing Hawaiians today?", "What would you do to make Congress and the Administration recognize and carry out the federal trust responsibility to Native Hawaiians?" and "How will
you ensure that OHA promptly receives ffom the state its full settlement of past-due revenues from the ceded lands trust? How should OHA spend the money?" Candidate statements begin on this page: (• denotes incumbent) AT-LARGE (1 seat) Artha Kaleionaona DeFries Kawehi Kanui Gill •Louis Hao Kina'u Boyd Kamali'i Chauncey W. Pa Ed Kuamu Makaiwi Pelekai Eric F. Poohina John L. (Kione) Sabey HAWAI'I (1 seat) •Moanikeala (Edwina) Akaka Marcel Kalei Keanaaina
Lili'uokalani Ross KAUA'I (1 seat) •Moses Keale Sharon Pomroy MOLOKA'I (1 seat) Bobby Makaiwi Aleain Liko Kamakana Grambusch Martin Dean Kahae Samuel Lyons Kealoha, Jr. Harry K. Purdy, III (Tuddie) Walter Ragsdale