Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 9, 1 September 1992 — Proposed federal legislation -- taking it to the people [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Proposed federal legislation -- taking it to the people

by Trustee Rowena Akana

in an ertort to educate the public as mueh as possible on what OHA is doing on their behalf, 1 have taken my Sovereignty Committee meetings to several different locations on O'ahu and will continue to hold meetings in the eommunity throughout the year.

Meetings have taken plaee at Kamehameha Schools, at Windward Community College, Ewa Beach and La'ie. I strongly believe most people want to be informed about what is going on in government issues, and given the opportunity, they will make an effort

to attend more functions. Taking the meetings to the people shows this

n belief is correct. I have I seen the meetings double I in size as we go to eaeh j new location. This is so j inspiring and indicates the heightened interest in the sovereignty issue.

A few articles have been written about the three proposed OHA bills, but none have been

clear enough for people to digest the real impact these bills may have on our lives and the lives of our children. My staff and I have put together a panel of active community members who have espoused different models of sovereignty. In addition to this panel, we have Professor Jon

Van Dyke present at eaeh meeting to explain how the bills are formulated to work. (Professor Van Dyke is one of the primary authors of the bills.) After a short presentation from eaeh panel member, the audience is invited to ask questions regarding the material presented. There is plenty of hand-

out material available to be taken home, reviewed and shared in eommunity groups. Professor Van Dyke's section is handled in mueh the same way. This seems to be the major area of interest. All of the questions asked are submitted in written form so they may be compiled and transcribed for future reference.

Enough about the format. What's really happening at these meetings? What I see is a sincere interest in the continued on page 23

Trustee Akana from page 21

people who attend to learn all they ean about sovereignty. This word, this idea, this concept is no longer to be spoken across dark tables at late night meetings. It has been brought out to see the light and to be molded into a reality with whieh we all ean live. People are eager to review the materials available and want to obtain more. Questions posed are germane and well thought-out. People of all ages attend and bring friends and family with them. Many ask to be a part of the mailing lists and want to know more about how OHA makes decisions as a body. I love it !

In my eyes, this is what you have asked me to do. I eominue to execute

your will in the most tangible way I know. If you eall me and say this is what your community wants or needs, I'll do my best to provide the service. I'd like to take a liule bit of time to talk about the three bills and the major concerns that seem to eome up again and again. The bills:

• Native Hawaiian Recognition and Restoration Act. • Native Hawaiian CIaims Settlement Act, and • Federal Right to Sue Act, are designed to work so that one act builds upon what is gained in the previous act. The idea is to gain recognition from the federal government, to establish a

system by whieh Native Hawaiian people ean sue the government, and to resolve cunent claims that have arisen out of past handling (or mishandling) of NaUve Hawaiian lands. Most people seem to agree that someUiing should be done. Most people agree that Uie items being requested are just. The agreement stops when it comes to how we are going about trying to accomplish these eommon goals.

There also seems to be great eoncern on the internal language of the bills when it comes to how mueh we are talking about in percentages and how to go about building the Native Hawaiian government. This kind of eoneem ean be worked on, hammered out and revised by a

simple revisit to the bills prior to January. This is the reason these eom-munity-based meeUngs are so important now. By providing an opportunity for you to share your input, we are learning what it is that you are looking for in just compensation. As always, I cannot do it alone. I am the voice of your will. I ean only carry to Uie Board what you ask me to carry.

It is wiUi this thought I leave you. Be brave and bold in your parUcipaUon in government, take advantage of the convenience of meetings coming to you in your areas and let your thoughts be known. AeUon ean be a scary prospect at times, but inaction is by far the worse evil at all times. Aloha and I hope to see you soon in your neighborhood!