Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 1992 — ʻAi Pono, E Ola [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

ʻAi Pono, E Ola

By Terry Shintani, M.D.

The kalo (taro) man is back - A simple way to make poi in your home

At one time, the taro man would eome by with fresh taro and there were poi mills everywhere, so you could either buy fresh poi or buy your own taro and have it milled ffesh for you. Those were the good old days.

Well, guess what? The taro man is back and the good old days are here again . . . almost, anyway. You ean now have taro delivered right to your door and you ean even have your own miniature poi mill in your home thanks to the creativity of an enterprising young Hawaiian businessman. Vonn Logan of Pa'i'ai Poi Systems is bringing back the old days with an ingenious combination of traditional ways and modern technology. He started his company in May to bring poi back into the home at an afford-

able price by selling taro in bulk, and an electric poi-making maehine to make it easy to make poi from taro. Most people want more poi but either find it too expensive, or too hard to find good taro, and too ineonvenient to make the poi even if they could find good taro. This system solves the problem of finding taro by

making good poi-making taro available with free delivery to your door if you buy by the 80-pound bag, whieh costs just $60. It is ideal for those who have a large family or a number of neighbors in one location who want to share the bag. Logan, who lives in Windward O'ahu, says he will even deliver to Nanakuli and Wai'anae if a bag or more is purchased. Making the poi is

no longer inconvenient, with an eleetric poi-making maehine whieh sells for just $250. In addition to trying to get a poi maehine into every home, Logan is also looking for community organizations through whieh poi could be produced and distributed to those who cannot afford their own maehine.

Pa'i'ai Poi Systems currently markets the poi machines and taro at swap meets or by phone for home delivery. You ean order taro in bulk or the poi making maehine by calling, Vonn Logan of Pa'i'ai Poi Systems at 2931721. I tried it and it is just delicious. Why not try it yourself? Can't you just see yourself making poi in your own home and bringing back the

good old days? Recipe for home-made poi Take 5 lbs (or whatever amount fits in a pot) of poi-making taro. Rinse loose dirt and plaee in pot. Cover with water, bring to a boil and then boil at medium heat for 1-1/2 hour for small taro or 2-1/2 to 3 hours for big taro.

Run under cold water and then peel the skin. Use a spoon or butter knife to remove "eyes" from taro. Then run through poi maehine. Makes delicious fresh poi. Dr. Shintani, physician and nutritionist, is the Director of Preventive Meāieine at the Wai'anae Coast Comprehensive Health Center. A majority of its board and its clients are ofHawaiian ancestry.