Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 9, 1 September 1992 — Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
WHY AM I RUNNING FOR MAYOR? In 1 5 years of grassroots community organizing, I have witnessed time and time again, the Mayor's disrespect and disregard for the "little guy" he says he looks out for. Citizens merely wanting to work towards a better future for all of us, are met with contempt and puhlle humiliation. The result: disillusionment, the loss of hope, and the frustration of not being heard. I have eome to understand from being raised here, what Hawaiians traditionally knew; that nature is not a commodity. We are part of nature, not above it; our very survival ls dependent upon its protection. What we do to it, we do to ourselves, and to those who eome after us. Faced with the seriousness of this situation, I was urged by friends and family to 'un for office. I have always been a firm believer in citizens' active invoivement in government. As mayor, I will restorefaith In the political process, so that the people of Hawaii are truly heard. Sincerely,
To help, or contribute eall: 842-MIKE. Paid for by the MIKE WILSON OHANA 197 Sand lsland Access Rd. #204, Honolulu, Hawaii 96819